Chapter 2•

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Yoandri POV~
Y/n and I were talking in the bus, about something, I barely paid attention cause I was thinking about how I'm going to tell Y/n about my audition thing. "Hey, Yoyo,you alright?" I hear Y/n say. "Yeah, I'm just thinking"I tell her. "Well, I am thinking of the beautiful Palm trees, I love Miami." I love her way of how she sees the world. She's amazing, I'm afraid on what she'll think if I tell her about the audition.

Your POV•
I saw a worried look on Yoyo's face, I want to ask him what's going on, but I don't know. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Um, me , I'm totally fine, living the life." He answers. Yea, something is totally up, I don't know if it's about the audition. I think, he thinks I don't know. But I know, he posted it on Twitter, so hehe. "Why do you ask?" He says. "No reason, you look at little worried, my Yoyo. "Well, all I can say that there is a lot on my mind" he responded,"You'll live." I say tying to cheer him up. "I smell school!" I say. "NO!" We both say at the same time.
Yoandri POV~
As I was heading to class, I saw two best friends fighting because one was going away, and the other didn't want one to leave. I felt terrible, I imagined Y/n and I like that, I would never forgive myself.
Hey guys, sorry if it's short, any comments ? Thank you:))

Dimelo Papi•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora