The Creature Curse Ch.: 2 Think WereWolf

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--------Sly’s POV--------

You know how we all agreed to go to the wizard’s tower or some sh*t by sunrise? Didn’t even make it past midnight. Let’s just say these weird ninja, guys sedated us with darts, into a state that we couldn’t even think.  I don’t know how the f*ck they did it without us hearing them, but all I can say is that their tricky. Too tricky.

They rolled me over and one of them took a long look at me. Then he wrote down something on a piece of paper, then put a collar around me with a tag that had the number, 115, on it.

“What do we do with this horse guy?” one of them called out to what seemed to be the leader.

The guy sneered, “Bait for the beasts.”

He looked over at me with that same sneer across his face. He walked over to me and looked at me straight in the eyes.

“Looks like we got a fighter. Well then..nighty, nighty.”

Then he kicked me so hard in the head, and everything went dark…

-------Kevin’s POV-------

Alright…just woke up in a cage that seemed to be underground.

What a great way to start off the day… Well, at least I wasn’t a werewolf.

Water dripped from the ceiling as I heard yelps and screams of fear above me. I felt like something was around my neck so I looked down and noticed a steel collar with a tag on it. The tag had some sort of number on it, number 135.

“Well f*ck,” I sighed as I leaned my head against the bars of the cage.

“Yo…Dude...Dude,” an unfamiliar voice with a surfer kind of way of speaking called out.

I look to my right to see some kind of hobo who seemed to be hiding in the darkness the whole time. He had a mop in his right hand, must be some kind of janitor for these horrible cages.

“Yes?” I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

“Bro, your in one hell of a situation. That tag. Those yelps. You’re going to be fighting to the death, man…not pretty. Not good!” the janitor exclaimed, “Your number is up next, get ready to do or die.”

“What or who will I be fighting?” I asked as I began to get on my feet again, still feeling a bit drowsy from whatever drug they put in me.

“Other ‘unordinary,’ things.” the guy mumbled.

“With no weapons? A bit unfair, don’t you think?”

“You will have to change into how you came in. Concentrate and think like the werewolf you are.” He said as he vanished into a dark corridor.

Welp. Guess I’m screwed. I let out a huge sigh and then they called my number and then number 76. I’ll probably will be fighting a demonic squirrel or goldfish and lose. They opened my cage door and put steel shackles on me. They felt cold and they buried into my skin, making every hand muscle hurt. The pulled me out of my cage and lead me to a huge iron door, in which I caught a guy put in the code, 94853.

94853, 94853, 94853, gotta remember that.

The huge door opened and I felt a chill go down my spine. They took of my shackles and then literally threw me into an empty arena, where a crowd of hundreds screamed and cheered.

“Everyone! Please welcome the grey wolf, prisoner 135!”

The crowd cheered and screamed.

“Prisoner 76 will be arriving shortly.”

Again the crowd cheered and screamed. I got up and dusted myself off and fixed my hat, which was as torn as my clothes. Well, better start thinking werewolf.

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