3) False alarms & new rooms

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Summers pov
When I woke up from my nap I heard drilling and hammering coming from the guest room. I decided to go check it out. There was people in our house! What if they're holding Tay Tay hostage?! I have to save her, I look for something to use as a bat, the only useful thing I could find in all the bags from what we bought today was one of my new Barbie dolls. So I walked into the room, they didn't notice me. That's good. I then charge myself at the first man and started hitting his knees with my doll.

"Where is Tay Tay!?!" I yelled at him.

"Oh you mean your mommy?" The man asked. My mommy? What is this guy talking about, I don't have a mommy. What even is a mommy?I'll ask Tay Tay, oh yeah Tay Tay! I forgot about attacking these guys. Just then I saw out the corner of my eye Tay Tay enter the room. I ran to her and she picked me up.

"What are you doing in here?" She asked me. I was offended, I just saved her life and what do I get? Nothing.

"A simple thank you would be nice" I said crossing my arms. She looks confused

"For what?" She asked

"Saving your life, duh. Weren't they holding you hostage?!" She started laughing

"What?" I asked, I was very confused.

"That's not at all what's happening, these people just want to set up your room so its all pretty and more fitting for a little princess like yourself." She said tickling my belly.

"Oh" I said looking down at the floor, then I look at the men "sowy for beating you with my doll." I apologized to the man. He smiled

"Apology accepted" he said before turning around and getting back to work. Me and Tay Tay went back to the kitchen.

"Ok what do you want for lunch summer?" She asked looking in the fridge.

"Um.... Can I have a sandwich?" I ask

"Sure" Tay replied taking out a bag of lunch meat. I watch sponge bob while Tay Tay made our sandwiches. After lunch we watched a movie with a big fat guy who wears red.

"Tay Tay, what's Santa Claus?" She looks surprised

"You've never heard of Santa?!" Geez this Santa guy must be a big deal.

"No. Is he important?" I ask scrunching up my face in confusion.

"Well, on Christmas Eve at night Santa comes from the North Pole and gives all good children presents and then the next day, Christmas morning you open the gifts." My jaw was practically touching the ground. How have I never herd this?!

"How have I never heard this?!" She shook her head.

"I have no idea." We finish the movie and the men leave.

"Sorry, again!" I called as they were getting back into their van. We walked into my room and I was amazed. The walls were my favorite color,blue and the bed was blue and white and black mr. Snuggles was sitting in between two pillows. There was a fuzzy rug in the middle and a box (or two) full of my toys, then my personal favorite, and huge walk in closet!

"Mo- Tay Tay this is beautiful" that was weird, I almost called Tay Tay mommy.

"Well it's all yours. I'll call you when dinners ready?"

"Ok" I said already picking up some toys.
Sorry for the short chapter but I'm running out of ideas. Comment names and If you want summer to start school soon or later in the book. Thanks!!

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