"It's not of significance. "

"Tell me, Aria." He insisted.

"Not that it should bother you but it was my dad. Happy?" I snapped.

"It does and it will always bother me."

"It shouldn't." I mumbled.

"But it does." He looked into my eyes with the same intense look that I feared and I found it hard to swallow or blink or do anything for that matter.

"Hello princess!" I heard a voice and snapped out of it. I turned around to find Jason sitting on his bike waving at me like a maniac. Girls were already gaping at him and squealing while the guys just glared at him.

"You know him?"

"Yes. He is a friend." I tried to keep the guilt out of my voice.

"A friend." He scoffed and for some reason it made me angry.

"Yes a friend. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Are you with him?"

"It's none of your business."

"He isn't good for you." I could hear the anger in his voice and it only fuelled mine.

"And who is? You?" I mocked him as I pulled my hand out of his grasp.

"I may have lied to you but I did care about you." He said and suddenly I found that a lump had lodged itself into my throat and I couldn't speak.

"Coming princess?" Jason shouted and I turned to look at him smiling at me. I turned back to look at Sean and saw a lot of emotions in his eyes. Hurt, anger and love were the strongest ones.

"You going to go with him?" He almost pleaded with me and I was tempted to stay back with him and tell him I only loved him and Jason was actually just a friend but I nodded my head, turned and started walking away from him and towards Jason.

A stray tear rolled down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away before anyone could see it and hoped onto the bike. "Let's get out of here."

"On it." Jason replied as he started the bike and handed me the helmet. He pulled out of the parking lot and I saw a hurt Sean and a stunned student body as we zipped away.

"So that was the douche. " Jason said as we stopped and I got down from his bike. The only response I managed  was a nod.

I lifted my head up at our location and couldn't help but be shocked. I flushed deeply at the memories. "What are we doing here?" I choked out as I stared at his building.

"Have a little trust princess. We are just going to talk." He walked ahead and then turned around to add, "Unless you have something else on your mind." He winked at me and walked inside leaving me outside with my mouth hanging open.

I quickly gathered my scattered wits and stumbled after him.

I stepped into the flat and nervously glanced around at the living room as I fiddled with my fingers. I gulped loudly and found that I now had a completely dry throat.

"Come on in. Have a seat." I could hear Jason's voice coming from the kitchen and tentatively sat on the couch.

"Here." He handed me a soda bottle that I accepted gratefully and chugged down to quench my thirst and calm my nerves.

"Woah. Someone is thirsty." He remarked as he sat down opposite to me.

"Thanks." I said and saw his brows raise in confusion. "For coming to school to pick me up."

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