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I'd always enjoyed the Circus.

When I was younger, a small girl, my father used to take me. We'd watch the performers joy welling inside us as we watched the magic unravel before our very eyes.

When I was eleven my Father passed away, he'd been hit by a carriage. The driver was prosecuted and I no longer went to the circus, its magic only a thing of fond memories and hopeless dreams. My mother looked after me the best she could, but work was not an easy thing for a woman to find in London and she turned to the only thing she could, prostitution.

We lived off what she earnt putting herself out each night and most nights I spent alone with nothing to amuse me but Fathers old books on the human anatomy. It fascinated me the beauty that resided just underneath the skin that covered our bodies. I grew to love the anatomy almost as much as I'd loved the Circus.

For my birthday one year mother, saved up all her money and bought me a necklace. It was a simple piece of black string but on it hung a small pendant that was the shape of the human heart. Not the sort one would see on normal necklaces but an anatomically correct human heart. Needless to say I loved it and wore it as often as I could.

A few years after mother died and I was left alone, twenty years old without a job or a home and only a small amount of money from my mothers business. I thought long and hard about were I would go, and decided to go to the one place that brought me happiness, the only place in the whole of London that could make me feel at home,

The Circus. 

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