Chapter 11

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That when things turned bad.
The boys had seen the knife wounds and started to surround Tyler. One of them grabbed my wrist and i was pretending that i couldnt get out of his grip. This was part of our plan if we got into this situation. "Come here you dont need to be scared anymore" the boy said
"Get off you dont underatand, Tyler didnt do this" i replied.
"Tyler smith, i never knew you would be this low to beat up a girl, now you'll pay"
That was the signal. I grabbed the boys arm that still had my wrist. I twisted arm, i got my presence in front of him put my foot behind him and pushed him.

Tyler on the other hand was throwing all the hand combination he knew at the group of 5 boys. I ran towards him. I shouted ready, he caught me by the waist and i kicked out on the boy that was closer to him, he put me down and i stood in front of him knowing that the boys wont do anything. I told them to leave and they did.

After that eventful hour we decided to mitch the rest of the day.
"Ty i want to go to.... to my house, and sort out my parents businesses"
"You sure its not too soon babe"
"Ty if you love me you know that im ready"

We pull in to my beach house, i open the door and feel shivers down my spine. I walk to the kitchen and Ty sits on the chair. "Want to try my special homemade chinesee. Show me what you got, i prepared the food and then walked upstairs to my parents room as he took two hours to cook

I picked up my dads jumper and smelt it, i then mixed up my mums shirt and smelt it, it still smelt like them. I lied down on their bed and cried. I dont show my emotions to others , but Tyler was standing there the whole time. He walked over to me and just hugged me, he didnt say anything. But thats how i like it. We stayed like that for a few minutes. I got up and told Ty to wait down stairs, i walked to my room and but on a white tan top and some grey joggers.

I ran down stairs and seen Ty on the sofa so i decided to jump on him.. "hey there stranger " i laughed
"Well i dont talk to strangers, but your special, your good looking, its acceptable"
"I just just laughed and hugged him "

**Tyler's pov**

I love this girl.....

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