Chapter 10

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**Lily's pov**

I was slowly waking up, my vision was blurred then i get up quickly S i want to escape from scott. I fell to the cold floor.
"Lily, Lily....calm down" i heard a low husky voice
I looked over to my left and seen Jase, well actualy it could be jay. I dunno im confused.
"Where are we?"
"Hospital babe"
I just broke down into tears, my stomach and head started to give me exqusating pain.

"Hold on ive called the nurse"
"Jase help.... make it...owww...STOP"

He made his way slowly.
" shit ow, my leg" jase wined

He bent down slowly he grabbed my hand and told to me to squeeze it when the pain gets to much.
The nurse came and questioned our presence on the floor he picked me back up and guided me towards my hospital bed.

"Where is Tyler, Jay and Elliesha?" Questioned the doctor.
"Ellisha and Jay went to get food and Tyler is in the observation unit, but dont worry he'll be joining you and Jase"
"Thank you doc"
"Your welcome , anything else i can help you with?"
" when can we get discharged ?"
"In few hours, oh i almost forgot, i am very sorry to tell you this but your parents.... theyve been murdered"
"WHAT!, No..."
"Im very sorry"
"Where's my sister?"
"Ellie - Mai Lenevries, is that her name?"
"Yes, yes is she okay?" I cried even more
"Shes fine shes been kept in care, but dont worry, how old are you by the way?"
"Im sorry but she'll have to stay in care untill your eighteen"
"What !!"

*3 hours later*

Me, Tyler and Jase were finally released from the hospital.
Jay and Ellisha were already in his car. He dropped me and Tyler off to Tylers place as i dont want to go home to where my parents were murdered.

"Im sorry about your parents" Tyler whispered.
"Its not your fault i should of listened to you and not gone"

We both walked upstairs to get changed into our pj's. Ty can i borrow a top, he nodded and threw me he top that had his gang logo on, it was like a dress on me.

He gave me a spare toothbrush, i strolled into his onsuite and brushed my teeth and put my long blonde hair up into a messy bun. We lied down on his bed, both wondering what people in school will think when me and Ty come into school with bruise's and cuts on our face.

*next day*

I got up first and changed into my skinny jeans and Gilly Hicks hoddie, i put on my nikes. I used Ty's brush and left my hair down as it was a natural beach curls. I brushed my teeth and went to wake up Ty, but he was already up and ready.

We got out of his car and walked into school, we had questioning looks as in why me and Tys faces were bruised and cut. This on girl walked up to me and question why i was still with Ty if he beats me. I grabbed her and pinned her to the wall threatinng her to mind her own business. She ran off crying, i laughed.
Ty wraps his arm around me and we walk into Biology.

We heard whispers of Tyler and me being in a fight, we just looked at them and laughed. After Biology was finished we had Physical educational, this should be interesting.

I got dressed into my nike pro shorts, i forgot about the knife wounds and as i took my top off and put a plain pink top on there were gasps, i gave them all a glare and said " take a picture it'll last longer" and they all turned their heads away from me.

I walked into the sports hall and Ty was there waiting for me.
"So can you dance?"
"Ooh its on"
So we walked into the dance studio we put the music on.
We were throwing all types of dance and acro moves together, then he grabbed my waist lifts me to his height and questioned if i knew what to, i laughed and said that i was born to do this.
He threw me up into air, i twisted then opened my legs into the box splits and caught me. Perfect he whispered into my ear, i know, he then put me down gently but my top slightly raised and showed my knife wounds.

Thats when things turned bad.

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