Chapter 8

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**Tylers pov**

Thats when realised he had stabbed me, i collasped to the floor dropping my gun. I tried hard to get my vision back but my eyes were to heavy, i could hear slams, bangs then Lily screams and a gun shot goes off. I tried to get up but nothing moved.
More gun shots went off but they started to fade....

**Lily's pov**

Thats when Scott staddled me and hit me i screamed and screamed, then the door swung open and it was Tyler. I shouted no as Scott had a knife so as Tyler lungeed himself at Scott, Scott moved towards him and Tyler just collasped to floor. I screamed and screamed. Scott picked me up to my feet i screamed in pain, i used all the strength i had and pushed him, he flung into the table which slammed onto the floor.

I seen Tyler's gun laid out on the floor, i grabbed it and as i turned around Scott punshed me onto the floor. I pointed the gun towars him and shot him repeatedly.

Then i heard people running towards the room. I stepped over Tyler to protect him and pointed gun, as i went to shoot, Elliesha and two boys that looked older than me came through. I just dropped the gun and collasped to the floor clunching Tyler.

"TYLER!" I screamed.

One of the boys picked me up slowly and hugged me when Elliesha reasured me.

" Everythings going to be ok "

"We need an ambulance, have you got a phone... anyone?"

"I..i do"

"Hello , i need an ambulance.... "

" how many are injured?"

" umm.. 3 "

"Miss are you injured"


"Is there anyone who is not injured that is available to support you all ?"

"Umm...uh.... yes there is, there's 2 "

"Where are you?"

"Umm.... uhhh"

"Miss are you ok ?"

Thats when i collasped.

**Jase pov**

I was watching the door way when i seen that Lily couldnt stand straight. She dropped her phone and i knew that she was going to faint. I ran over to her and grabbed her waist i put her onto the floor gently and called Elliesha to keep an eye on Lily and Jase was keeping an eye on Tylers pulse.

I picked up Lily's phone and carried on the conversation with the operator.

"We are at the abandoned house in chung tee "

"Ok sir the ambulances have been dispatched as well as police.... who are you may i ask"

"Miss, my name is Jase Lee i am a witness to what happened"

"Ok, i will stay on the li...."

* Bang , bang*

Shit some of the roof came down, picked up the phone.

"Sir ?, Sir ? "

"Sorry we need to get out the roff is collapsing"

"Sir i need to..."

I hung up and signaled to Jay to pick up Tyler slowly and take him out i then picked up Lily bridal style and signaled Elliesha to walk infront.

As we were walking down the stairs it started to collaspe....

Badboy meets BadgirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora