Do You Have Any Idea What You've Done?!

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Mr. A. ran after John. Sherlock ran in front of Mr. A. and behind John.
"Don't touch him!"
Mr. A. tried to push Sherlock away but Sherlock was too strong.
"It's your first day, for God's sake! John's had a crystal clear record until you came along!"
Sherlock then did the most insane thing he'd ever done.
He punched him.

When Sherlock's parents came, they weren't angry about him being gay, but were very angry about him punching a teacher.
"Sherlock, do you have any idea what you've done?!"
Sherlock nodded. "Yeah, I got a boyfriend."
Mrs. Holmes ruffled Sherlock's hair. "I can't believe you said those things to my son!" She shouted at Mr. A..
He leaned back.
Right before Mrs. Holmes could complain again, Mr. Watson came in. John sank low in his chair.
"Uh oh." He whispered to Sherlock.
"Stand up, right now!"
Sherlock looked sadly at John.
"Say you're sorry!"
John turned to Mr. A..
"Sorry Mr. A. for kissing my boyfriend and punching Philip and knocking over everything."
Mr. Watson grabbed John by his short hair and started walking away, but Mrs. Holmes cut in.
"How can you treat your son like that?!"
Mr. Watson stormed away with John at his side.
John looked at Sherlock and waved, tears welling up in his eyes.
"I love you." John mouthed.
"I love you too." Sherlock mouthed back.

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