Stay Away From Him

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John started walking home. Sherlock noticed that he was shivering. He didn't blame him, it was cold out.
So Sherlock took off his blazer and draped it over John's shaking shoulders.
Sherlock smiled. "No problem. Hey... I hope your dad doesn't get angry again."
John started crying again. "I don't want him to, Sherlock!"
Sherlock nodded and kissed his cheek. "I know."
John kissed him back. "Come with me."
"Come with me, and you can protect me."

When John opened the door to his house, his dad dragged him inside, and he pointed at Sherlock.
"You were with him?! Stay away from him, John!"
John started shouting through tears.
"But dad, I love him!"
Mr. Watson slapped John across the face. Sherlock pushed him away.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, you load of shit?!" Sherlock shouted.
"Get out!"
Sherlock walked away, leaving John vulnerable. He felt bad.

I'm going to fix their bad reputation soon, don't worry!

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