Don't Tell

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John raised an eyebrow. "Say that again."
Sherlock's eye started twitching. "Listen, I gotta go-"
John grabbed Sherlock's arm. "No, you don't. Tell me."
"I-I think I'm in love with you."
John rubbed his back. "I just met you..."
Sherlock shook his head. "It's fine- if you don't want to be friends anymore-"
John grabbed his back, stood up as high as he could, and kissed him. It was lightly at first, then Sherlock began running his tongue through the inside of John's mouth. John grabbed the back of his head with one hand and his lower back with his other.
Suddenly they heard the door open. It was the boy who say beside Sherlock.
John pulled apart about five seconds later, to see the boy frozen in the doorway.
"Anderson?! What the hell?!"
Anderson let go of the doorknob. "John I didn't know you were gay!"
John turned around. "I'm not!"
Anderson tried to walk away but John grabbed his shirt. "Don't you tell, or you'll be sorry!"
Anderson started sweating and nodded weakly. When he left, John turned to Sherlock.
"And remember, I'm not gay!"
Sherlock laughed. "As if."

Little Secret- Johnlock High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now