What the hell, Mr. Holmes?!

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Sherlock opened the door to the office. It was creepy feeling. The principal sat in a big, black chair.
Sherlock stepped forward. "Sherlock."
"Full name?"
"Uh, William Sherlock Scott Holmes."
The principal rubbed his forehead. "What did you do?"
Sherlock looked away. "I shamed the school."
The principal raised his eyebrows and bit his lip.
"Excuse me?"
"I said that the things the professor said about the school weren't true."
The principal laird a hand on Sherlock's shoulder. "What's your mother's phone number?"
Sherlock stepped away. "Get off of me!"
The principal sat back in his chair. He didn't say anything.
"Teachers can't touch students in a manner that makes them feel uncomfortable!" Sherlock shouted. Several students were looking at him with worried looks on their faces.
"What the hell, Mr. Holmes?!"
Sherlock scowled. "I hate this school!"
He ran out of the office and ran into the men's room. Tears ran down his face. In the washroom, he saw John washing his hands. He turned around to look at Sherlock.
"What's wrong?"
"I want to go back to my old school! I hate it here! You're the only person who can stand me and I was bullied at my old school but it's worse here!"
John hugged him. "Why did they bully you?"
Sherlock pulled away slightly. "Can you keep a secret?"
John nodded. "Of course."
Sherlock looked away. "I- uh..."
John put a hand on his shoulder.
"Tell me."
Sherlock started crying harder.
"I- I'm gay."
John hugged him tighter. "It's okay."
Sherlock smiled. "And-"
His smile dropped. "Well..."
John raised his eyebrows.
"I think I'm in love with you."

Little Secret- Johnlock High School AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن