Chapter 14

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Rossi's POV
As we were running, we heard pure blood-curdling screams. It sent shivers down my spine. "That's her, she's this way!" I shouted, as I ran in the direction of her voice. This bastard took my sister, but I'll be damned if I'll let him take my niece, too.

Rose's POV
It wouldn't stop. His feet, hands, nails, sticks, rocks, anything he could use, was coming into contact with my already-aching body. I was starting to go numb, I knew it wouldn't be long now. I heard yelling in the distance, but by the time anyone would get to me, it would probably be too late. I used all the energy I could to look up at him, as he was coming for me with his knife. I closed my eyes and then...

Reid's POV
Rose looked awful. This SOB had beaten her black and blue. I looked up just in time to see him with a knife. He was going right for Rose. Rossi yelled "ROSE!", right as I pulled my trigger. Jacob fell to the ground. I ran over to him and kicked the knife away. I felt for a pulse, and turned to the team and shook my head. He was gone.

Rose's POV
Nothing...I felt absolutely nothing. I wondered if this is what it felt like to die. But then, I heard it, and I realized that I was still, in fact, alive. His voice. That sweet sound. The voice I'd been holding onto this whole time. Reid. He was here, he'd saved me. I opened my eyes, and there he was. "Rose! Oh,'s okay. It's all okay." He pushed my hair out of my face. "Rei-" I gasped. Searing pain swept through my body, I couldn't breathe. Darkness washed over me and pulled me under faster than I could push it away.

Reid's POV
"Rose! Oh,'s okay. It's all okay." I looked at Rose, and how worn she looked. But she was still beautiful. I pushed her hair out of her face. She started to whisper my name, but curled in pain and then she was gone. ", no, no...Rossi! Morgan! Hotch! Help her!" They rushed to my side, right as the ambulance pulled up. They came to put her on the stretcher, but I couldn't move. She wasn't moving. She wasn't breathing. "Sir, we have to get her in the ambulance now....SIR!" Morgan grabbed me up as they moved her. She woke up thrashing in their arms, gasping and screaming in pain. Morgan pulled me to the SUV and got me inside. I couldn't move. I was going to lose her again...just when I thought I'd found her.

Rose's POV
I felt hands grab me up, and then...pain. It was worse than when Jacob was kicking me. I couldn't bear it. They put me on a stretcher and got an IV into me. I could only make out some words of what they said. "Dehydrated....severe injuries...possibly life threatening...possible internal bleeding..." And then, just as before, I succumbed to the darkness.

Rossi's Niece (ON HOLD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin