Chapter 6

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Rose's POV

I boarded the bus with Lex after, much to my chagrin, having to tell her in great detail about dinner. Even though literally nothing happened, other than learning that kid genius couldn't use chopsticks. I mean, honestly. The guy has an IQ of 187 and can't even use chopsticks. Although...I found that I couldn't stop thinking about him. It was crazy. Honestly, for me to even think that he-. I was interrupted from my thoughts by our professor telling us that we were headed out. I called my mother to let her know we were leaving. "That's funny..." I thought. No answer. I figure she was probably still sleeping or something.

Rossi's POV

I woke up at 6:45. Fifteen minutes before my alarm was to go off. I hated that. Rose was supposed to have left at 6, so I sent her a message.

Me: Hey kiddo. Get off okay?

Rose: Sure thing! Left 45min ago. Called mom, no answer. She's probably sleeping. Will let you know when I get home. Love you! Xx

I smiled. I got up and went into work a while later. "So what do we have today?" I asked, turning to Garcia. "Nothing as of yet, sir, but I'll let you know if I get anything in!" I nodded and went to my office. Nothing relatively interesting happened. Around 4:30, it happened. I looked down at my phone and saw that Rose had called 6 times in the last two minutes. I called her back.

"Rose? What's wrong, did you get home okay?" I asked. ", no, no, no..." is all she said. "Rose? Rose what happened?" "Uncle's...I can't...I shouldn't have left her...I..." "ROSE. Tell me what's going on!" I was frantic. She never acted like this. What I heard next sent me running into Aaron's office.

Rose's POV

We finally made it home. I told Lex I would call her whenever I got settled in. I pulled up in the driveway and got my bags out. I went up to the front door and it was already unlocked. I went in and put my stuff down in the kitchen. "Mom?" I called out, waiting for a response. I didn't get one. "Mom, are you home?" Nothing. Hm...that was weird. Her car was in the driveway. I walked back to her room, and opened the door.

I let out a blood-curdling scream. My mother was laying on the floor, covered in blood. I immediately ran to her to feel her pulse. She called Uncle Rossi. No answer. I called him again. Nothing. Finally, he called me back. "Rose? What's wrong, did you get home okay?" I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. Finally, I could speak. But all that came out was ", no, no, no..." "Rose? Rose what happened?" "Uncle's I can't...I shouldn't have left her...I..." I couldn't form sentences. All I could see was the body of my mother laying in front of me. "ROSE," he screamed into the phone, "Tell me what's going on!" The only thing I could do was whisper through the tears, "Mom's been murdered."

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update, guys! I just got home from vacation! Glad y'all are liking it so far! (:


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