Chapter 13

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Rose's POV
I could only hope that somehow Uncle Rossi and the team would find me soon. I knew I at least had a concussion, but how much more could I take? Jacob had left about thirty minutes ago. I had no idea where he'd gone, but I hoped it was long enough. I sat up, painfully, and tried to find a light switch. I couldn't see a thing. It was becoming hopeless. Reid...he had to be able to figure something out with that wonderful brain of his, right? I sighed and kept looking.

Reid's POV
Morgan, JJ, and I were in one SUV while Rossi, Alex, and Hotch were in the other. We had to find her. She had to be okay. "You okay, kid?" Morgan's voice took me away from my thoughts. "Oh, um...yeah. I just want to find her." He turned around for a brief second and looked at me. "We will. I promise." I sighed and looked out of the window as the trees flew by.

Rose's POV
I'd found the switch, but the door was shut. I tried kicking it a few times to no avail. My ribs were incredibly sore, but I had to get out. There was an open window above the door. I ran, or more like I hobbled, back over to where I had been tied up, and grabbed the rope that was there. I tied it together and made a loop at the end. If I could throw it around the little latch on the base of the window, I might be able to climb out. I threw it up in the air, but I missed by a long shot. I grumbled at myself and tried again. Nothing. He was coming back, I could feel it. I turned off the lights so he couldn't see me and I threw it up again, and it latched. "Finally!" I said quietly to myself. I started to pull myself up. I almost cried out at the amount of pain I felt. I knew he'd be back any second, so I kept pulling. I reached the top just as he was opening the other door. I jumped down, and hit my head on something hard. I staggered off of the ground and through the woods. I ran as fast as I could and I didn't stop. It was starting to get dark but it seemed as though I was in the woods. I heard footsteps behind me running as fast as I was. "Rosaline! I'm gonna get you if it's the death of me!" I tripped after that and plummeted down a hill, tumbling over myself many times, and ended up hitting a tree head first. I could see him coming. Panic set in. I knew that if I didn't get away now, I never would. I felt hands grab around my wrists and I was yanked off of the ground. "You stupid girl. You really think you could escape me? You will ALWAYS be mine." He spun me around once and let go, sending me flying into a tree. My breath was knocked out of me and I was gasping for air. His foot came flying into my ribs, over and over again. I knew this was it.

Reid's POV
We reached the building and surrounded it. Morgan looked at us, and we nodded, giving him approval. "FBI!!!" He kicked the door in and we ran inside. There was no one there. "Guys, look!" JJ said, pointing at the other door. There was a rope hanging from the window above it. "That girl...she must have gotten out. He knows, too. The doors broken." Rossi said, almost in a whisper. "We have to go out there. Come on!" I said, as I started running out of the door. The team followed. But we weren't ready for what we saw next.

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