Chapter 12

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Rose's POV

I woke up with my head throbbing. I couldn't tell where I was. I was supposed to be back at the station. It all came flooding back to me. Jacob, the coffee pot, the chloroform. I went to sit up, but found my wrists to be bound to the wall somehow. I heard a low chuckle coming from across the room and my head shot up. "Jacob." I growled, looking into the black abyss in front of me. "Well, darling, I never thought you'd wake up. You had me worried there for a little while." I shuddered, yanking on the holds on my wrists.

A blinding light filled the room suddenly, making me shut my eyes. When I opened them, there he was, standing in front of me. His stupid little smirk on his face. "What do you want from me, Jacob?" I asked harshly. He grabbed my shoulders and leaned in close to my face. "What do I want? WHAT DO I WANT? You stupid little...I want the last year of my life back!" He screamed in my face while shaking me. "Jacob, you know that's impossible. Maybe if you hadn't beaten me to a pulp every night, we would have been fine!" I was yelling now, shaking with anger. "Well, let's relive some of that, shall we?" He lifted his hand and it came down hard on my cheek. "Brings back memories doesn't it, sweetheart?" I clenched my teeth together and glared at him. I kept telling myself not to cry, because it just made him more enthused with what he was doing. Showing him no emotion made it harder for him to enjoy.

After the fifth or sixth blow to the face, he untied my wrists. My arms fell down to my sides and he shoved his foot into my ribs. I winced as he kicked repeatedly. He only stopped after I threw up. He stepped away for a minute or so as I lay there on the floor gasping for breath. He came back with a mop and cleaner and shoved it at me. "Clean up your mess. I'm not done with you." I quietly sobbed as he watched me struggle to stand.

Rossi's POV

I paced back and forth in the bullpen. Garcia had gone digging into that bastard's life and we'd sent the glass shard to the lab. We had no leads and nothing else to go on. "This is getting ridiculous. We've got to find something! God knows what he's doing to her right now." I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Derek. "Don't worry, Rossi. We will find her." I sighed deeply. I knew what the odds of finding her were. That's not what bothered me. It was what the odds were of finding her alive that truly pulled at my gut.

Garcia came back in from her hole in the wall with all of her screens and had a huge smile on her face. "I think I found something." We all looked up at her. "Well?" Reid asked, impatiently. "Okay, so, Mr. Sick and Twisted's parents recently moved to Ohio, leaving behind an old abandoned building that they used for their business while they were here. They went out of business here and moved to find it elsewhere." "Garcia, do you have an address?" Hotch asked, hopefully. "Already sent it to your phones, my lovelies. Be careful, and bring my princess back!"

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