Chapter 7: Two Different Perspectives

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Ok so, I'm back again guys with another chapter of my amazing saga...I know right, 2 chapter updates within the space of a few days, what are the odds? I know that I have been absolutely appalling with my updates and I must apologise profusely but life has kinda got in the way and unfortunately, I don't often have time for writing anymore. However, as I love it, and I miss it dearly, I AM going to make more of an effort from now on to update more often. I know I say this a lot but I truly do intend on doing so.

One by one, with Hagrid in the lead and Harry bringing up the rear, they walked through the arch and entered Diagon Alley. As they did so, Caia looked around, taking in her surroundings, and sighed in awe. Caia had been brought up in the wet and slightly dreary Welsh countryside so to her, stepping into Diagon Alley was like stepping into a whole new world.

There were shops full of sweets, books, animals, and various other magical paraphernalia.  Caia found herself getting lost in the place and she suddenly thought that it was a good job that she was with Hagrid as she hadn't a clue where to start.  At the end of the alley, there was a tall building made out of a material that could only have been white marble.  Caia found the building intriguing, but also got the distinct sense that she should be very cautious.  It had an air of danger about it and she wondered briefly what was in there.

Harry, who was walking along just in front of her, was talking to Hagrid animatedly about something.  She hurried to catch them up and realised that he was reading out the list of supplies which they would need for school.  She realised that she had left hers at home and worried for a spilt second, before realising that it didn't really matter as she and Harry would probably be requiring exactly the same things.

She then wondered how on earth she would pay for all of these supplies and it seemed that Harry had had exactly the same thought.

"But Hagrid," Harry exclaimed suddenly, having reached the end of the list, "how am I going to pay for all of this?"

"And me," Caia chimed in.  "I'm pretty sure that I don't have any wizarding money."

"You didn' think ya paren's woulda left ya with nothin' now, did ya?" Hagrid said looking fondly at Harry.  Then, looking lightly nervous, he turned to Caia and addressed her money issue.  "Erm, as for you Caia, Hogwarts has a special system in place especially for cases such as yerselves.  I have some money for ya here," he said patting his pocket.  "Ya'll get some every month and if you save up, you can put it in an account for later on in life."  Caia nodded, grateful to the friendly, giant man in front of her.  "Now if ya'd like, you can go into Madame Malkin's robes while I go ter Gringott's wizarding bank with Harry and get a start on yer shoppin'."

"Ok," she said timidly, not at all excited about the prospect of entering the shop all alone, but not wanting to appear as a coward.  "I think I'll do that.  Will the shop attendant know what to do?"

"Yes," Hagrid replied kindly.  "Jus' tell her tha' yer a Hogwarts student and she'll sort ya out all righ'."  Caia nodded again, showing that she had understood and so, Hagrid gave her the money and watched as she walked unsurely into the shop.  Sure enough though, as soon as she entered, a middle aged witch with a kindly and yet slightly brisk nature bustled over to her.  She asked her if she was there for a Hogwarts fitting and when she nodded shyly, the woman sent her over to a waiting area furnished with lots of plush, red, leather chairs.  She sat down on one of them and waited.

Caia looked up as a bell rang and the door opened.  She was just thinking that Harry and Hagrid couldn't possibly be done in Gringott's yet, when a boy with a shocking crop of bleach blond hair walked in.  The boy looked as though as though he had a bad smell under his nose and Caia thought instantly that he wasn't the sort of person that he would ever want to be friends with.  Then, though, he sat down next to her and she thought that she should say something so as not to appear rude.  He beat her to it though.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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