Chapter 2: Inevitable Expulsion

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Chapter 2: Inevitable Expulsion

Caia looked around the playground in horror at all of the unconscious children lying around her.  She had done it again...she really hadn't meant to but no doubt she would get blamed for it even though there was absolutely no way one person could attack everyone else in the playground and still be left standing, completely unhurt.  She was aware that these things she was doing were completely impossible and she was horrified at what she seemed to be becoming but she just couldn't help it - it was almost like all of the anger she had been bottling up inside of her was exploding in an almost unhealthy way at times when she felt stressed.

She had all but forgotten the owl perched on her shoulder when it began pecking her viciously on the ear.  She just stared at it, wondering why it was still there before realising that it was probably waiting for a reply.  She quickly ripped a sheet of paper off of a pad from her bag and scribbled her reply down:

Dear Professor McGonnagall,

I would love to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  I know that I need to learn to control my powers and am sorry for any trouble I have caused.

Caia Bowen

She then attached her reply to the owl's leg, trying and failing to imitate the way Hogwarts had attached it.  The owl then flew off into the distance and she watched it fly off wistfully wishing that she were able to fly.

As she cast her gaze back towards the playground and away from the skies, she noticed that a teacher was heading her way looking furious.  Caia groaned.  It was starting - the teacher would ask her what had happened, not take any notice of her pleas that it wasn't her fault, and the next thing that she knew, she'd be sitting in the headteacher's office with her parents looking very disappointed.  She knew exactly what was coming because it had happened to her several times before and each time the consequences were a little more serious than the previous.  It was not exactly the headmaster, Mr. Yates' fault - it was his job to punish those who broke the school rules and Caia thought it was a miracle that she had not been expelled yet.  No-one seemed to take any notice of the fact that the things they were accusing her of were completely impossible, preferring to just consider blaming her an easy way out of trying to explain a difficult and in some cases awkward situation to the parents of the other children involved.

"What the hell has gone on here young lady?" the teacher spat at her.

"I don't know," Caia tried to explain and the teacher raised an eyebrow.

"You don't know?" the teacher repeated rolling his eyes.  "How many times have we heard that before?"

"I swear, I don't know," Caia protested.  "One minute they were all standing up, the next minute they were knocked out on the was like magic."

"Need I point out to you Miss Bowen, that magic does not exist?" the teacher snapped.  "Now come with me to the headmasters office.  He will surely know what to do with you."  And so Caia followed the teacher, protesting all the way, and trying to make him see sense.

When they reached Mr. Yates office, he was already waiting for them with her parents, with a grave expression on his face.  It seemed that news in the school really travelled fast.  He beckoned to them both to come into his office and they followed him silently.  Caia had always had a great deal of respect for Mr. Yates and how contained he always was and dealt with everything with as much fairness as he could.  But she had a feeling that this time, his fairness would work against her.  No matter how impossible it may seem, she was the reason that most of the children in the school were currently unconscious and she knew that the consequences of her latest misdemeanour would most definitely be dire.

"Caia, I trust you know why you're here?" Mr. Yates asked and Caia just nodded solemnly.  "Why do you do it Caia?  I give you chance after chance and all you do is throw it back in my face."

"I know, sir...but you have to believe me when I say I don't mean to.  I don't even know what happened today...I promise you I didn't touch anyone."

"Caia," Mr. Yates sighed.  "I know what you are."  Caia's mouth dropped open.  Did he mean what she thought he meant?

"I'm sorry sir, but what exactly do you mean by that?  What exactly is our daughter?" Mrs. Bowen pitched in, looking rather bemused.

"Mrs. Bowen, your daughter is a witch."

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Ok, so I hope you all liked it and I hope you liked the minor cliff would mean a lot to me if you maybe left me some feedback in a comment or, if you liked it, it would be great if you could vote for it.  I know it's not very long and I am sorry for that but I'll try and make the next chapter a little longer.

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