Chapter 4: At First Glimpse

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend Amelia who is currently on the world challenge in Uganda...I promised I'd have it done for her before she got back, and true to my word, here it is.  I know it's a bit longer than my other chapters but the length is kinda necessary.  Also, it would really mean a lot to me if you could vote and review for me...if I get either over 100 votes or 1000 views for the whole story, I'm going to try and turn it into an amateur movie with my friend Arun, so hopefully that'll be motivation enough for you. ;)

Chapter 4: At First Glimpse

At Hogwarts

Albus Dumbledore sat in his office reading over the letter from Mr. Yates, sighing discontentedly to himself.  The situation he was in was most definitely complex.  Mr. Yates had asked him to find someone to take young Caia to Diagon Alley but the only person available was Hagrid and he was already scheduled to take Harry there on the only available day.  Of course, there was no reason why she couldn't go with them...except for the fact that she was Voldemort's daughter.  As far as he was concerned, as long as she stayed oblivious to her parentage, she would be of no danger to Harry or anyone else around her.  However, it was possible that her father's desire to kill Harry Potter could have been transferred across to her when he 'died'.  If the two ended up enemies before they had even arrived at Hogwarts, it would definitely not be a good start to the year.  However, it seemed at the moment, like this would be a risk he would just have to take as otherwise, she would arrive at school completely unprepared for the year ahead.

Dipping his quill into the ink, he scribbled a quick reply to the letter before him on a blank piece of parchment.

Hello Carl,

We could send her with Hagrid but I am not sure if this is a wise idea as the only time when he is able to take her, he is also taking Harry Potter.  I will leave it up to your judgement and if you do not think it will put Harry in danger, then take her to meet them both at the Leaky Cauldron on the 31st July but I will leave it up to your judgement - whatever you decide, I trust you but make sure you get her to the designated place if you think she should go with them.


Albus sighed as he tied the letter to the leg of Fawkes.  The phoenix let out a mournful chirp and he stroked it's head pityingly.

"I know you hate doing it Fawkes but Harry and Hagrid leave for Diagon Alley in just a few days, it is imperative that Carl gets this message tonight in order to make the necessary arrangements.  You understand don't you, my friend?"  Fawkes blinked in understanding and then in a flash of fire, he was gone.

St Davids Primary School

Carl Yates sat in his study at St. Davids Primary School, smiling softly to himself.  He was waiting for word from Albus Dumbledore about Caia Bowen's arrangements for buying her school things in Diagon Alley.  The school term had ended about a week and a half ago for St. Davids but he usually spent much of his holidays at the school mainly because he didn't really have anywhere better to be, but also partially due to the mountain of paperwork that came with being a headteacher.

His family had disowned him at the age of 11, having not taken kindly to his lack of magic.  It was not his fault of course, but as far as his family were concerned, he had disgraced them and made them look stupid.  Ever since he had been a little kid of about 4, he had been dreaming about going to Hogwarts, and loved listening to his older siblings stories of escaping Filch and sneaking out of the castle, or even stealing food from the kitchens and when he turned 11, he had eagerly awaited his letter.  But no letter had come for him.  At first, hew still had hope that a letter would come but as the end of July was drawing nearer, he finally began to accept that no letter was coming, he simply did not have magic like the rest of his family.

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