Score 20 ~ Forever Lullaby

Start from the beginning

"She did all these, without her piano?" Aomine asked as he keeps flipping them.

Kagami looked at him ridiculously as he unplugged his earphones. "Seriously, you have been dating her for the past what 9 months and still did not realize she can compose a song without any music instruments? It's all in her head."

Aomine then looked at her and went into thinking mode, "Now you say it, you're right, there was a few time I seen her doing it."

"There you have it." Kagami shrugged.

Aomine looked at her once again, "She's really talented isn't she?"

Kagami nodded, "Apparently she was one of the few talents that would appear once every 20 years or so, that was the rumors."

"A talent that is costing her life..." Aomine thought as he flips the score book once again.

He noticed something. He then brought the book nearer as he looks through at each page; Kagami raised an eye brow after watching the tan teen weird behavior at the books.

"What is it?"

Aomine did not answered but just quickly puts the score book into his bag and left the room, with a few words saying "I'll be back later; I gotta meet up with Akashi."

"How was it?" Kagami asked, as he passed her a bottle of water, after finishing her rehab hours for the day.

Tetsuki sighed, "It's tiring." As she gulped down some water down her throat, Kagami was helping her to pack up her things before heading back to her room.

All of a sudden, the bottle slipped off from her hands, she blinked as she stares at the bottle that was rolling downwards the floor. Kagami looked at it and picked it up.

"Here" He said as he handed over the bottle.

Tetsuki was staring at booth of her hands, her face were pale. Kagami then bent down to get a clear look on her face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, it took a while before Tetsuki shook her head as she bit her lower lip, while her eyebrows knitted in frowns.

"I'm starting to lose it..." she thought as her childhood friend voice echoes in her ear.

"It's nothing..." she quickly hid those worry behind a smile, as Kagami helped her to get up from the bench while she staggered a little.


"Hmm?" the red head answered as he tidy up Tetsuki hospital bed a little while she sat down on the chair after Tetsuki cleans up and changed into her hospital clothes.

"Where's Dai-chan?" she asked as she looked at the blue roses that Aomine has bought and replaced the withered roses Akashi bought before.

"Not sure really, I haven't seen him much these days; he always disappears to somewhere after practice and only shows up when you're already asleep."

"I see..."

"Come on, hop in, I gotta leave early today"

Tetsuki raised her head to see the looming teen in front of her. "To where?"

"To somewhere, well come on" he then carried her into his arms as he gently put her on the bed.

"I'll come back in the morning, Midorima should come around to check on you in a while, so stay quiet here, alright?" he said as he pats her head gently.

"Okay..." she said as Kagami quickly grabbed his bag pack and left the room after he waved a bye to the blunette.

"Everyone is busy building their future...even Dai-chan..." She then looked at the blue roses as she sighed.

Frozen Melody [Kuroko No Basket / AoKuro & AkaKuro] [Under Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now