Score 15 ~ Coral Sea

Beginne am Anfang

Aomine and Kagami grabbed both of her arms and dragged her outside where a dark red car was waiting for them, behind the car was a black land cruiser, Atsushi was sitting at the driver seat while munching his snacks.

They stopped near the driver seat, as the window slid down revealing a red haired bassist smirking at her, looking at her from top to bottom.

She was wearing a one piece sky blue summer dress with a sailor pattern on the shoulder, revealing some part of her chest, a white lace ribbon flowing down the dress from her waist, as she was using flat heel sandals, ties using ribbons on her ankle. On her neck decorated with a blue pendant necklace.


The other two grinned and shove her into the car, while Kise and Kagami went into the black land cruiser. Swiftly they drove off towards the road.

"Where you guys bringing me?"

"To the beach!" Aomine answered as he grinned at the confused blunette that was sitting at the passenger seat behind him and Akashi, who is driving the car with full focus.

"The beach?" She titled her head, if Akashi does not have self composure he will definitely screaming to the adorableness the blunette showing.

"Yes, today is the fourth month ever since you and Kagami joined the GoM, so we are celebrating it by bringing you both to the beach." Akashi explained while his eyes focused on the road, while he stole several glance at the blunette behind through his front mirror.

Tetsuki then quickly searched for her cell phone in her hand bag, she checked the date.

"You're right, it is the fourth month." She smiled as a soft blush appeared. Akashi just smiled looking at the blunette expression.

"It will be a while before we arrive there, so let's stop by the 7/11 to grab some snacks and drinks."

Akashi nodded, while the black land cruiser follows them from behind.

After buying some snacks and drinks, they began their long 2 hours journey to the beach. Along the journey, they spoke about many things, from their lives to their music and so on. Eventually the car went silent as Tetsuki stares outside, looking at the green forest passing by.

"Tetsuki, we'll be there in a fe—"Aomine said as he turned his head behind, found the blunette fell asleep on the seat, her head resting on her hand bag, while both her hands curls up onto her chest, she breath lightly, as her eyes shuts tightly. Aomine just smiled as he puts his jacket onto her before brushing her bangs off her eyes.

"She's asleep?" Akashi asked when Aomine turned front. He nodded.

"She must have been staying up late composing the songs for our album." Aomine rested his head on his palm.

"Yes she has been."

"She works too hard." Aomine lets out a small huff before shutting his eyes for a while. Akashi looked at Aomine before focusing back on the road.

"She wants to use every second of her life to the fullest…" Akashi thought to himself, as he drove the car through the road. The journey went on silently accompany by soft breathing from the asleep blunette.

Tetsuki orbs were so wide, seeing the beach for the first time makes her really happy, she ran towards the beach while the rest unloading the stuffs and luggage's into the beach house, apparently it belong to Akashi.

Kagami who was looking at her from afar just smiled, until Aomine tapped his shoulder.

"Guess it was the right thing for us bringing her here." Aomine said, Kagami just nodded then they both enter the beach house.

Frozen Melody [Kuroko No Basket / AoKuro & AkaKuro] [Under Major Editing]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt