“Yeah,” Blythe responds, looking slightly nervous.

            Just as the bouncer looks back down at the IDs, I hear out names begin called.

            I look up to see Zach waving at us, Trey, Tro and Teegan trailing behind. Teegan stares at me in shock, probably disbelieving the fact that I actually came.

            “They’re with us,” Zach tells the bouncer, casually slinging an arm around Blythe.

            I look back at Teegan and flinch slightly, his furious expression surprising me. Sure, I somewhat expected some hostility from him but he looked murderous right now.

            As Tro and Trey follow Zach and Blyth into the club, Teegan suddenly comes up to me, pulling me up sharply against his side, his arm around my waist.

            I begin to protest but he looks at me with an intense look, silencing me as he leads me into the club, careful to maneuver us away from the packed room of grinding people and drunks.

            “Where are you going?” I force myself to say as he leads me away from our group.

            In one swift movement, Teegan pulls us into a small alcove in the wall, our own little private bubble in this packed club.

            “What? -“ I begin.

            Teegan cuts me off. “What are you thinking coming here? Do you have any idea how dangerous this place can be? I bet you didn’t even tell your parents that you were going out.” Teegan rants.

            I stare at him, my mouth forming an o.

            “-Irresponsible. Did you have any idea what you were getting yourself into Aria?” He practically yells at me.

            I grit my teeth, balling my fists. “I didn’t come here for you. I came to support the band and have some fun. Can’t I live my life without you?” I snap, running a hand through my hair.

            This place smelled like sweaty bodies and cigarette smoke and it clung to my body, making me feel dirty.

            It was hard to breath with so little space between Teegan and I.

            “And why do you even care now?” I yell back. “It’s okay for you to ignore me for nearly two months and fool around with other people but I can’t? Who are you to tell me what I can’t do?” I growl out, poking his chest hard with my finger.

            He didn’t even flinch.

            “In fact, I’m going to get some drinks and who knows, if a strange man comes up to me, maybe I’ll dance with him,” I retort, prepared to leave.

            Teegan grabs my wrist.

            I suck in a breath, my heart panicking at how close he was. Our body was pressed against each other intimately, his face inches away.

            “You think dirt bags that come up to you are just wanting to talk? Aria, they’ll take advantage of you. They’ll hurt you,” He stresses.

            “It’s to bad I already know a dirt bag who did,” I reply shakily, my eyes burning as I drown in Teegan’s stormy grey eyes.

            His breath fans my face and regret and pain flashes across his face as he absent mindingly strokes face, gently wiping my tears away with his thumb.

Finding Aria (Wᴀᴛᴛʏ Aᴡᴀʀᴅs 2013)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя