“Aden. We just ate 10 minute ago.”

“I don’t care. I’m still hungry.”

“FINE! But I get the first shower this time” he raised an eyebrow

“Ok” I said with a huge smile on my face

He chuckled and grabbed my hand, which only made me smile wider. I went to turn on the radio, and squealed in delight when I heard my favourite song was being announced to start.

“YES!! I LOVE this song!” I said excitedly

“And what song is that?”

“The one playing…” Like, no duh Jordan…

“Really?” he asked sarcastically “I meant who’s it by, what’s it called.”

“Oh.. Aha.. It’s called Unnatural Selection by Muse”

“Oh I see”

“They’ll laugh as they watch us fall,

The lucky don’t care at all.

No chance for fate,

It’s unnatural selection.

I want the truth” I sang along happily

That’s when I heard a moan.

“She’s waking up” I said while glaring at the dashboard.

“Don’t worry about it. She can’t do anything to you” Jordan said calmingly

“That’s what you think” said an annoying, squeaky voice behind me and everything went black


“Aden! Aden wake up! I mean it. Wake up or I’ll kill you.” said a far away and slightly panicked voice.

I giggled and opened my eyes

“You’re pretty, mister” I said slowly. This felt like a dream, so it didn’t matter what I said really.

“Thank you” mister said with relief in his voice

“Hey. Guess what.” I said slyly


“Come closer” I whispered


“You look like someone I know. Like my… My… Boyfriend! I like him. He’s nice and sweet and hot…. Holy cow is he ever hot! But the best part is…. HE”S A GREAT KISSER! Oh oh oh and don‘t tell him I told you this, but my used-to-be-best-friend is going to try and steal him from me, but I‘m going to keep him! I have a plan. I had a dream about him last night…” I whisper yelled at him a had a giggle fit.

“What happened in this dream” he asked

I just shook my head no; he already knows too much! And said

‘If I told you I’d have to kill you” and fell back asleep


I woke up on a bed on leaves and bushes and was face to face with Jordan. This startled me so I screamed and rolled of the soft leaves and onto a sharp rock.


“You scared me.”


“When did we get here? I don’t remember this”

“Well, Melanie did some sort of Houdini thing and got out of all her bindings, and hit your head with something, sending you to unconsciousness, I got rid of Mel, and shook you till you woke up and said some stuff, so I assumed you were fine so I drove us out here, made a bed, and we slept till now.”

“Oh. What did I say?”

“Only that I was pretty, your boyfriend, extremely hot, that I’m a good kisser, that your friend Mel was going to try to steal me away but you had a plan to prevent that, and that you had a dream about me. You wouldn’t tell me what the dream was though.”

“Oh. Ok, good. I was afraid that I was going to say something embarrassing” I said, my face burning

Jordan chuckled and said

“Don’t worry about it.” and winked

“So what did you do with Mel?” I asked

“Oh she’s on her way to Antarctica to sleep with the Penguins”


“Yep” he said grinning widely

“You are my hero!”

He just winked

“So where are we anyways”

“We are just at the bottom of Tucson Peak, just along the border of the USA and Mexico.”

“Oh. Why is it so cold?” 

“Ok, its really hot, and you looked like you needed some fresh air.”

“No it isn‘t. Where’s your jacket?”

“Yes it is. You have it”

“Oh. Thanks” I said, smiling

“You look beautiful when you smile” he said sweetly

“So do you”

Chuckle. I winked and got up, took his jacket off, and gave it back to him

“If I’m cold, you must be freezing”

“Thank-you, but it isn‘t cold; it‘s hot” he said politely

I started to walk over to the car when something hit my back. I turned around, and saw that Jordan was holding something in his hand. Rocks.

“Did you just…” I trailed off  looking meaningfully at his hand

“I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about” he said slyly

“Really?” I asked while slowly stalking towards him


“Hmm…” I mumbled while stalking towards him, slightly faster this time, and got the satisfaction of seeing him gulp

I continued walking until I was standing right in front of him

“You sure you’re telling the truth?” I asked him slowly

“Y-yes?” it came out like a question

I grinned and grab his hands, and he automatically dropped all the rocks to hold mine

“What were those then?” I asked him


“Did you throw one of those rocks at me?”



“Because I wanted you to come back over here.”

“Ah, so I see”


“So I could do this” and he leaned in

Right as he was about to kiss me I pushed him and made a mad dash for the car.

“No far!” I heard him yell while laughing at me

But, unfortunately, I tripped and fell, and I had made big gashes in my hands, that were now bleeding. Oops. But worse than that, is when it started to hurt, my hands caught on fire.

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