Chapter Two

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 I walked along the road, looking for a shop to steal from. Mmm, this fruit vendor isn't paying much attention. I walk up to the fruit vendoor and slyly slip two pieces of fruit into my pocket. Hey, a girl's gotta eat. I stayed long enough to make it seem as thoough I was truly looking at the fruit, then smiled at the vendor, and left.

Suddenly, I heard a shout. "Hey, that little girl stole some fruit!" I kept walking, as though he wasn't talking about me, but when I felt the pounding feet chasing me down, I ran. I'm a fast runner, almost as fast as genin before they learn chakra control. 

But these men were faster. By the time we got to a place that seemed to be a soccer field they had caught up to me. They surrounded me, and I fought back the best I could, but I was to weak. Soon, I was on the ground with my head tucked in my hands, warding off as many blows as possible.

I didn't understand. I stole some fruit. I was a thief. I was a criminal. But I was a little, lost lonely girl, and men easily three times my size were beating up on me. Didn't anyone care?

Suddenly, I heard a furious shout. "Stop it!" I didn't have the strength to see who my savior was, but the men did. 

"Hey, it's that freak."

"Yeah the monster."

"Let's get out of here while we can."

"Before that demon can kill us."

They all ran, and I heard small, light footsteps making their way to me. Funny, I thought that the demon, monster, murderer those men were afraid of would be bigger. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright?" A hesitant, tembling, yet slightly deep and raspy voice asked. 

I refused to look up. What if he abandoned me as well? "Well, if you count being attacked by full grown men as alright, then yeah, I'm peachy!" There wasn't any laugh like I was expecting, so I slowly sat up, wanting to know who helped  me.

The first thing I noticed was the shock of red hair. It wasbright, contrasting with the browns and tans around it. Then I noticed the dark rings around his amazing, teal blue eyes. Those eyes were full of emotion. Hate, fear, hope, sadness, anger, frustration, hurthurthurthurthurt. I didn't know eyes could hold so much emotion.

But then I noticed his age. Five at the most. He was my age. How in the world could he be the murderer he was accused of being? I shook myself out of the stupor I was in, and stood all the way up. His hand fell off my shoulder.

I broke the silence first. "Thank you." I whispered shyly, kicking the dirt and ignoring the pain that shot up my ankle.

"It's no problem.  Why were they attacking you?" He asked.

A slight blush crossed my cheeks. I... may... have stolen some fruit?" I admitted, though it came out as a question. I showed hime the fruit, and he looked at me as though I was crazy.

"Well, no wonder they were mad at you. That fruit is all the way from the Land of Clouds, very expensive." My jaw dropped. Well, no wonder they overreacted.

"Oh." Is all that came out. "Well, as a thank you do you want one? We could eat it together...?" I offered hesitantly. No reply came, and I grew embarrased. "Or not. You know, I understand if you don't want to hang out with me, I mean I caused all this trouble, and--" 

He cut me off. "S-sure!" I smiled, and handed him the fruit. We were in the middle of the soccer field, but we didn't care. We just sat down and started to eat. We both finished the delicious fruit, and he stood. I stood  up as well, but promptly collapsed again.

"What's wrong?" He asked frantically, "Where does it hurt?"

I chuckled softly. "It hurts all over, but I collapsed because of my ankle."

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