Chapter 29 Fulcrum.

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Neeran activated the receiver and the image of a hooded figure appeared. The voice was scrambled upon speaking so that the speakers identity could not be confirmed.
"Captain Zaneshi," it said. "This is Fulcrum. The Senator wishes to speak with you again."
"To what do I owe the pleasure of speaking with the Senator again?" asked Neeran, quickly guessing and picking up on the Rebellions code word language.
"There is much to be discussed between the three of us. The future of the Rebellion may depend on the next decisions we make."
"I'll be there," said Neeran as the transmission ended.
"Do you all wanna come?"
"Why not," shrugged Jyuo. "It's not like there are storm troopers waiting to murder us."
"Don't tempt fate Jyuo," said Neeran. "We know how bad our luck is."

Seeing as both ships were still in the same vicinity and within each other's view, it wasn't long before both ships were docked together again and Neeran and her six teammates boarded the rebel vessel and proceeded to the main control area.

Where they were in for a shock.

"Ashao?" whispered Neeran when she spotted the tall Togruta female within the ships control room.
"No," said Galleion. "That's not Ashao-Tika, Neeran."
"Long time no see, Padawan Tano," said Zach, immediately recognising the Togruta female.

"Ah, the banished Padawan," said Neeran remembering the failed Knight trials run by the Council for the former Jedi. "I mistook you for another Togruta Padawan. She was significant to my own Padawan."
"Neeran Zaneshi?" Ahsoka seemed surprised to see such a rarely heard from Jedi before her.
"Who was this Padawan?"

Neeran hesitated for a moment.
"Hiccup June Hanonai, Jedi Padawan."
"He was a Mystery Sixer," said Ahsoka unbelieving. "I didn't know any of them were still alive. Is he here?"

Again Neeran hesitated a moment before saying, "No. He is not. He vanished 6 years ago whilst I was comatosed on Lothal."
"I am sorry for your loss."
"He's still alive," said Neeran. "I believe that. I will find him one day."

"So, can you tell me where the Senator is and his mysterious calling counterpart Fulcrum might be?" asked Neeran. "Or am I already in their presence?"
Ahsoka smiled.
"I am Fulcrum," she admitted. "Senator Organa wants to speak to you only Master Neeran."
"Don't bother with that," said Neeran, as she and Neeran "I never did like that title. I've spent too much time out here in the Rim where that name has other connotations."

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