Chapter 13 3.5 Years Later...

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If you haven't read 'SWRC: Tales of the Clone Wars (Book 2.5)', then this next section from Chapters 13-22 will be confusing as it relies heavily on references from that book.
P.S, Ezra has turned 14 by this point in the story.

<Gorse, three and a half years later...>

Jax had been all over the place during his time under the Empire's rule.
Having started on Gorse, Jax had left shortly after Neeran had met with him and returned home to Dazania and his four sons after being contacted by the mercenary group OC-49 and speaking with his clone Vax, their leader. Over the ensuing years, Jax had talked to, and been involved with, OC-49 several times over, planet-hopped numerous times, occasionally messed around with Imperial equipment and done what he loved most: fixing up broken starships and other gadgets as well as being with his four adopted sons.
Silas, Nezumi, Shion and Aladdin were technically his second group of adopted children, after Neeran and her team, but he still loved them all equally.

Jax had lost track of time as he walked through the twisting city streets of the mining world of Gorse until he happened to come in front of a blindingly bright Imperial broadcast that had just begun.

"Imperial citizens." called the sign. "It is with great pleasure that we can announce that this planet is completely secured under Imperial protection, with no reports of rebel activity in recent weeks."

Out of the corner of his eye, Jax saw Neeran but knew immediately that this person was not his apprentice Neeran. If it had been his apprentice, she would have been followed by at least one of the children she'd taken in.
Possible even more.

"This," started Jax, as he continued to looked up at the Imperial's broadcast announcement, as to not give himself away to the deceiver.
"Could become an issue."

<Lothal, about the same time...>

Neeran stood watching Jexxel and Chopper hone their martial arts skills on each other and making sure things didn't get too out of hand.

"Take it easy, both of you," said Neeran, stopping the pair. "I know you're soldiers but I don't need you both to kill each other."

"He did it!"
"She did it!"
"I don't care who did it, I'm ending it!" said Neeran. "Let head inside."

The pair seemed to suddenly revert back to their childish selves and ran off.
"Kinda scary how they can do that," muttered Neeran.
"We can do it to," reminded Zach kindly.

Upon re-entering the house, Theta suddenly flashed on and said, "You might want to see this."
"See what?" asked Neeran as Theta flashed off and the Holo-News came on. Much to Neeran and Zach's surprise.

"No way," whispered Zach.
"They're back," said Neeran as the pair continued to watch the screen, the dialogue hardly even registering with them.
"Our old team of Seven."

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