Chapter 12 Coming to Terms.

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Neeran sat on the grassy hill out the front of their house and stared off into the distance.

Everything had come falling apart around her in the apparent time she'd been asleep.

Tears had long since stopped falling from her eyes as there were no more to cry at that point. She wanted support, guidance in how to continue. She wasn't even entirely sure she trusted herself to care for her friends children, but knew that there was nowhere else for them to go.

They certainly couldn't go into the Empires custody.

Neeran was certain they'd never be seen or heard from again if that was what happened to them. And she would never forgive herself if that was what happened to them under her care.

So she was stuck in a slight predicament but knew exactly what she'd do.
Bain, Sinbad, Sigrid, Ja'far, Seishuun and Tilda would become part of the Zaneshi family for the time being.

Neeran reached out into the Force again, searching for those missing whom she held dear.

A sigh escaped her lips as she felt nothing from the signatures of Mira, Ephraim and Bard. Not even the closet signal to her could be reached. Hiccup didn't seem to have any Force connection within him to find and trace.

She extended her reach further and further, leaving herself more and more open to being discovered by an Inquisitor but also desperately wanting the answers as to what had happened to her closest friends and missing Padawan, outside of her Earth team.

Still she felt nothing until a certain sense alerted her to their presence.
"Mira," whispered Neeran.
'Neeran?' came three replies and Neeran had never felt more happier in recent years.

And all of a sudden, it was gone.

The connection was severed.

And Neeran was to be in anguish for almost another 3 and a half years.

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