The bell rang and students ran out of the gym, Lucas and Maya remained where they stood until Lucas stormed out of the gym. Maya hesitated to follow him, but knew she couldn't miss their after school tradition.

Maya panicked while walking to the groups usual meeting spot, Mr. Matthews room. She didn't intend on Lucas ever finding out she'd hurt herself, but thinking back on that, she realized it was a stupid thing to think would work out, he's way to observant.

"Hey, Lucas." Riley smiled as Lucas entered the classroom. A smile appeared accross his face when he replied, but it didn't stay long. Maya walked into the room shortly after Lucas had settled into one of the student desks, and she dropped her bag by the door.

"I-I better go find Liam." Maya said, excusing herself from the room and started wondering the halls. She knew he'd know where to go to, but she didn't want to sit awkwardly in a room with Lucas and Riley until he showed up.

"Hey, Liam." Maya smiled, walking over to his locker.



"Maya." Liam was never good at remembering names, even the name of a beautiful, short blonde.

"Lucas and Riley are in Mr. Matthews room right now." Maya and Liam headed towards their history class and they both felt awkward walking in, but for different reasons. Liam hadn't gotten the chance to get to know Lucas or Riley, and doesn't know how they'll react to him. Maya was nervous that Lucas would say something, although Riley already knew about what she was hiding from Lucas.

"Riley, Lucas, this is Liam. Liam, this is Lucas and Riley." Maya introduced the three and sat down on Mr. Matthews desk, a good distance from Lucas.

"Mr. Matthews just let's you guys hang out in his classroom after school?" Liam asked, still standing in the door frame.

"Actually, he's my dad." Riley smiled. Liam was surprised to find that out, but could see the resemblance.

"So are you guys ready?" Riley smiled. Maya nodded, as did Liam. Lucas just stood up from his seat and followed them out of the classroom door. About half way to Topanga's, Maya noticed Lucas had been walking behind the group. Maya stopped and waited until Lucas was next to her to keep walking again.

"Hey." Maya said softly, she looked up at Lucas. He didn't reply or even look down at her. "You can't ignore me forever."

He didn't plan on ignoring her forever, just until after their after school tradition, just until him and her were alone, giving him time to calm down so he wouldn't flip shit and scream at her.

Once everyone was in Topanga's and had their snack and drink, the daily conversations started. School, homework, and whatever someone decides to bring up.

"Lucas, are you okay?" Riley asked. Maya stiffened up and looked over at Lucas. He was zoned out, staring at his plate.

"He's okay, Riles. He just... has a lot on his mind." Riley nodded and Maya reached over and grabbed Lucas' hand and he squeezed her hand. Maya smiled slightly and was a bit relieved. At least Lucas wasn't completely ignoring her.

A few minutes later, the group went their own ways, except Lucas and Maya. They were still holding hands, but not romantically. Lucas was practically dragging Maya to her house. He wanted to know why Maya hadn't told his about this, why she would keep such a big secret from him.

Lucas slammed her front door and stood there staring into Maya's eyes, waiting for her to start explaining herself.

"Lucas I-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Lucas asked calmly.


"Did you think I wouldn't find out?" He interupted again, speaking louder than before. "What were you thinking?"

Maya opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't get a word in with how irate Lucas was.

"You weren't thinking, Maya! You weren't thinking about anything! You could've come to me and I would've helped you, Maya, don't you know that?"

"No I do, but-"

"But what?" Maya had tears forming in her eyes, but this was the one time Lucas couldn't break down and hold her. He couldn't tell her that everything is going to be alright, becuase he wanted- he needed an answer from her.

"I didn't want you to get mad..." Maya was looking down at her shoes and fiddling with her thumbs.

"You didn't want me to- Maya, don't you think me seeing this," Lucas grabbed Maya's wrist and looked down at the multiple scars that littered her once perfect skin, "would upset me more than seeing the first few that you did? Maya it kills me to know you've thought that this was okay for so long. It's not!" Lucas still held the dainty wrist in his hand and tried not to look down at it.

"I'm sorry." A tear slipped down Maya's cheek and onto her shirt. Lucas used his free hand to gently wipe the water from her red face and he sighed.

"I'm sorry is right, Maya." Lucas said softly. "It's going to take a lot for me to trust you for a long time."

Maya knew he was right. She lied to him and before today, he was one hundred percent trusting of her.

"Anything else I need to know about? I'm already pissed at you." A small smile speared on Lucas' lips, but only for a second.

"Not really." Maya shrugged.

"That means yes, what's up?"

"Stay here." She sighed.

"Maya." Lucas warned.

"I'm just putting shorts on!" Maya replied, slightly irritated.

When Maya came out, she grabbed Lucas' hand and led him over to the couch. Maya looked down at her legs and Lucas' eyes followed her gaze.


Maya pointed to very very faint, little white marks across her upper thigh and Lucas could barely see them.

"What happened?"

"You know what happened, Lucas." Maya said, not wanting to say what she had done.

"I do know, but you need to own it. You did it, and you're never going to do it again."

"I... cut myself." Maya said, more like a question. Lucas rested his hand on her thigh and look at her face.


"I'll never do it again."

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