3. Constant Pleas

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"Ana are you sure you don't need anything else? I can call in sick to work and Elliot even offered to to help out too" Ana wasn't used to Kate being this calm and caring. This was Kate 'I'd beat the crap out of you, no bullshit' Kavanagh. She doesn't do well nice, unless her version is rearranging someone's face if they mess with you. "Ana are you okay?"

"Sorry I'm miles away Kate" she laughed it off but Kate wasn't convinced "Kate I will be fine, I am on maternity leave, I can work from home too and look after Teddy, if I need you I will call you" Kate eventually gave in but wore a skeptical look.

"Okay but if you need me please call I will be here before you know it" she said as she picked up her car keys heading for the door "Oh Ana I forgot to tell you Carrick and Grace are dropping over in a while" Ana thought her heart was going to jump out of her chest

"Ana I'm sorry I forgot to tell you but they want to see both you and Teddy" she shrugged her shoulders apologetically. Ana just sat barely listening to Kate, she hadn't seen either Grace or Carrick since the Wedding, what would she say to them? She liked them both but she was terrified they would side with Christian especially Carrick, sure he wanted to do up a pren-up for their marriage. "Ana? I think I should stay you don't look so good" Kate moved towards her but she stood up faking a smile "Kate everything is fine I just haven't seen them in so long just a bit of a shock but I'm fine" she hugged Kate and saw her out before coming back in to feed Teddy.

"Where's my baby boy?" she cooed at her four day old son who was very alert for his age he moved his head to the sound of her voice, his eyes wide open. "Hi little guy" she rocked him gently in her arms before settling back into the sofa when her phone bleeped. Her she was just after setting Teddy against her chest when the phone went off, her face went white. She had turned her phone off upon sending that reply to Christian three days beforehand. "Please, please,please" she prayed silently as Teddy drank away hungrily. She waited for him to finish, she didn't want to disturb him when he was relaxed and quite peaceful laying there feeding. She lay him in the moses basket Jose and his father had bought for her and covered him with his new blanket, Christian had it made and it had his full name, weight and date of birth on it with a small yellow duck in the right hand corner. She had to admit she did really did like the gesture, it pained her to think of him now with his recent check ups which considered of emails or a visit from Taylor, though she didn't mind Taylor, she really missed Mrs Jones and her cooking.

Ana stood looking at her blackberry and refused to pick it up several times, she just held it for a moment and placed it back on the kitchen table. Her curiosity was getting the better of her and she had to open up her emails.

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Poor Excuse for A Husband

Date: 10th July 2012 18:00

To: Anastasia Grey ?

I see you and little Teddy have checked out of the hospital this evening, I was hoping to come and give you both a ride home but it looks like Kate got there first. I have received your previous email, Ana baby please don't say this is for good, I need you in my life you make me a better person, you were helping me overcome my fears, it wasn't Dr Flynn or my family, it was you my wife and my only best friend. I just want you to keep in mind I won't give up, I refuse to let you go,although it may seem like that months ago, Ana I was scared, more than you will ever know. My own parents are disgusted with me, Carrick was mad when he found out you were gone, at first he thought it was about the money but when I told him it wasn't that it was about the baby he changed his tune. Grace well what can I say about my mother she is horrified with the whole situation. Mia glares at me everyday and you know how she used to throw herself at me when I came to visit she doesn't want to look at me, I am starting to miss is well as you say she's Kate. She didn't for once let me off lightly, I now know what the Katherine Kavanagh Experience is. I think Elliot is the only one who will speak to me and let me now how my son, 'OUR SON' is doing. I know it's going to be harder for you to trust me but I need you to, I want to work things out between us for the sake of what we used to have and for Teddy.

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