Chapter 1

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I ran cold water over my knuckles, watching the red color swirl around before running down the drain. Once my hands were clean, I turned the faucet off and picked up a small towel.

There was a slight sting as I dabbed away the water. I tightened the pony tail on my head before heading out into the hallway. Dinner would be served soon and I needed to change out of my training clothes.

With my final trial coming in just a few days, I squeezed in training sessions whenever I had free time, which wasn't often.

The three trials were what every trainee had to go through to be appointed as an official operative in Pacem Propellente. I'd been in this agency since before I could remember. The other operatives and I were classically trained and we all worked towards one goal: peace.

Our dominus, or leader, always told us that we were the true key component in acquiring a peaceful world. In the eighteenth year of each operative's life, we were given the three trials to prove that we had what it took to be here.

This year, my class was to be tested. The older classes told us not to worry, that we were meant to be here and we would pass the three trials but I still wanted to train as much as possible.

As the prodigy of my class, I would be tested first. I didn't have a clue as to what was in store but I was sure to be ready for it.

I gained the title "prodigii" by maintaining my place at the top of my class. I was consistently ahead in combat, technology skills, and world knowledge. I didn't feel that it was too difficult of an accomplishment, as there was only five trainees in each class.

I entered my room and changed into my standard day clothes. It was a black long sleeve compression top, black form-fitting pants, and black combat boots. Dominus says that when we are sent out on assignments we are to be nothing more than a shadow. To be seen is to have failed.

The dinner bell rang through the building. I tightened my ponytail again and made my way back out into the hallway. I entered the dining room where everyone was already seated, placing respectable serving sizes on their plates. For each meal our plate was to contain 25% protein, 25% starch, and 50% fruits and/or vegetables. Tonight we were eating grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, and steamed broccoli.

I sat in my assigned seat between Grayson and Cecelia. They were both in my class but neither of them ever went out of their way to converse with me, not that that was uncommon. We were a serious organization, we couldn't distract ourselves with meaningless conversation.

Dinner only lasted fifteen minutes and then we were to go get ready for our eight and a half hours of sleep. Tonight was different, however, because Dominus wasn't in his usual spot at the head of the specialist's table.

The specialists were the prodigia of the older classes. The most skilled operatives who were trusted to act as guard to Dominus, where I would one day sit.

But the table was empty.

I wasn't the only one who noticed their absence, and the other trainees and operatives kept glancing to the door, waiting for them to arrive.

It was two minutes before the end of dinner when one of the specialists, Marshall, came into the room. Everyone remained silent and waited for him to speak.

"All prodigia from the top four trainee classes are to come with me." He said.

I stood, along with three others, and walked silently over to Marshall. He nodded for us to follow and we did, disappearing from everyone else's view. Moments later the bell signaling the end of dinner rang.

I tried to figure out why we'd been chosen. It was an odd request: the prodigies of the top four classes. For what reason?

For a second I imagined that maybe they were testing me early, but I dismissed the thought. Why wouldn't they test me with my class rather than younger prodigies?

It didn't make sense.

We followed Marshall into Dominus' office where he was waiting with the rest of the specialists. He nodded to Marshall who took his place behind our leader.

"I'm sorry to have interrupted your dinner." Dominus began. "We have a slight emergency."

We all stayed silent, needing further explanation.

"I need to expand the team of specialists. I know that you all thought you had more time to train, some more time than others, but the agency could be in danger." A sullen look formed on his face.

"Tonight, our recruiting team was ambushed by an enemy of ours, someone who has been trying for years to keep us from bringing home our newest classes. I'm afraid tonight, they succeeded."

Rochelle, the youngest prodigy of us-fifteen years- raised her left hand up to the height of her shoulder.

"Yes?" Dominus looked to her.

"We are being tested tonight?" She asked him.

He glanced at the four of us. "Yes. You will all attempt the third trial. Should you pass, you will be added to the specialists. At first dawn tomorrow, we will be relocating and you will all be leading the other classes. We need to stay as one if we are to survive."

This time I raised my hand.

"Yes, Bella?"

"We are relocating?" I asked.

Dominus sighed. "Yes. The other group who stole our recruits is close to finding us. If they do that, we will all die."

I held in my surprise, keeping my face emotionless. This had never happened before. I didn't understand who would want to kill us, we were here to bring peace.

"Your trial begins in ten minutes. To prove yourselves you'll be given your first assignment. Four of the specialists will take you. Go now."

And we left. I was determined now. I would not let this agency fall.

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