The Memory of Halz27 (funny)

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This memory will hopefully make you laugh! It's an amazing memory, that is sure to make your day brighter:-)

Here it is....

Here is my story... please don't mock me too much!

In April 2009, my family decided to go on holiday; this is the story of the evil prank my parents and older cousin and siblings pulled on me.

We were on the flight to 'France'. I was sitting next to my cousin while the rest of my family were a couple of rows behind us.

“So Haleema, are you excited to be going to ‘France’?” asked my cousin's brother Ismael.

 “Hell yeah, I’ve wanted to go for ages, dad said we could go see the Eiffel tower!” I said.

I guess I should have realized what was going on when I saw how much he was trying not to laugh when said this, but I was too excited.

My older brother then walked towards us, “Check it out Haleema, you can see the ‘French alps’”

I looked out the window, and sure enough, we were flying over mountains.

“That is so cool, I’ve always wanted to see the ‘French alps’!” That was a complete lie on my part, truth was, I’d never even heard of them.

That really should have figured out that they were lying by this point, seeing as they were both trying to suppress their laughter. Both looked like pregnant constipated cows.

I go back to my former excuse; I was excited.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We touched down 2 and half hours later, a flight to France should only take an hour, I knew this, but brushed off the thought.

“Haleema, I dare you to scream ‘we’re in France so loud, the whole plane hears us.” said Ismael.

So I did, and I completely ignored the weird stares afterwards, and the abrupt laughter of my whole family.


In the airport there were countless signs welcoming us into the country, in my defence, they weren’t in English, but even I knew they weren’t in French either. Again when we reached the car higher company, the lady spoke with an accent, but it wasn’t a French one, once again, I just brushed it off.

You have to understand that France is somewhere I’ve always wanted to go, so I blame my naivety on sheer excitement.

On the way to the villa we were renting, I could not stop talking all the way about all the famous landmarks I wanted to see, the Eiffel tower, the arc de triumph, the Notre dame, oblivious to the smirks coming from my brother and giggles coming from my little sisters.


 We finally got to the villa and it had been about three hours since we landed. Three hours in this foreign country, and I was still talking about France.

My mum gave my dad a knowing smile and said “I think we should tell her know”

“Tell me what?” I asked.

The whole family was gathered around me, all with evil, diabolical grins on their faces. My dad handed me the welcome booklet which the villa owner had left us and told me to read what it said at the front: WELCOME TO PORTUGAL!


I later discovered that my siblings had all been fooled initially as well, but had figured out our true destination sometime during the journey, all way before me, which is quite humiliating seeing as one was only five.

To this day my family have not grown tired of reminding me of my humiliation. And in case you were wondering, I did get to go to France this year, so I got to do all I wanted to do two years ago.

~Haleema Ravat

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