The Memory of BeastBMady (injustice)

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This memory is about the Cassey Anthoney case, rather interesting.

Here it is *dramatic music*  in her point of view.....

"Mady, can you ask if that TV works?," my mom asked urgently, eyeing the waiting room telivision.

"Why?" I asked, already predicting her answer.

"So if Vinnie Politan tweets, icanwarch the verdict," she answered matter of factly.

"The Cassey Anthoney verdict?" Inquired a woman in a chair oposite us who had been clearly listening to our conversation.

"Yes," mom said.

"Think she's guilty?" Asked the woman.

"Deffinatly!" Mom said The lady nodded in agreement.

"I think she is too, but I hope she gets aquited," i said, realizing too late that the opinion of a thirteen year old hadn't been asked for.

My words were received with a bewildered look from the lady, and a down right hateful look from my mother.

"Well, you gotta feel for Biaz," I explained, "If Cassey gets convixted, he'll never get another job!"          I realized my pitty was outwaying my reason, but that was alright sometimes, wasn't it?

The woman staired at me blankly. "Biaz? whos that?" This lady must not know much about Cassey Anthoney, i thought.

"He's the defense atorney," Mom clarified. Mom's cell phone blaired I Really Want You by James Blunt.

"That Vinnie?" I asked, refering to the reporter who had promised to text his twitter folowers when the verdict was to be read.

She looked at the caller ID.

"Nope, it's not a text," she said, looking releaved.

She opened the phone and said "Hello."

I heard a brisk vioce from the other line. I couldn't be sure of what I heard, but i could've sworn i heard the name, "Cassey Anthoney" several times. As the vioce spoke, my mom's eyes got  progresivly wider, her expresion more disbeleving, until she hung up.

"Get me that remote," Mom ordered imediatly, eying the remote to the waiting room TV.

"Alright," I said, shrugging. I retrieved it from the coffee table and handed it to her.

She aimed at the large TV mounted on the wall across from us and clicked the on botton franticly. It flickered on to a show about puppets, and she demanded, "What chanel is CBS on??"

"What's going on?" Asked the woman in polite intrest.

"That was my husband," she explained. "He said he heard the verdict was innocent."

"No way!" I said, an uncomfortible ceeling twisting my stomach violently. I had wanted it to be that way, but it seemed very wrong...

Mom found what she was looking for and clicked violently.

The image of Vinnie Politan apeared on the screen, saying, "--a shocking verdict. Cassey Anthoney, acused of murdering this inocent girl--" the image of Kailey, her daughter, flashed across the screen, "--aquited."

"You can tell he's angry,"she noted, observing Vinnie's clenched fist and tense face.

I realized abruptly that my fists were clenched, too. Wasn't this what i had wanted? After all, what was the piont of justice? Wasn't it the same as revenge? And everyone hates revenge, so...I couldn't answere any of those questions.

All i knew was that the thought of the injustace that had been carried out today, of a murderer walking free, shook me to my core.

"Wow, didn't see that comin'," said the lady, who's name I still did not know.

CNN had cut to a comercial, and mom clicked it off and dropped the remote numbly.

I could tell she was shocked and outraged, but all she said was, "I got stood up by Vinnie Politan..."

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