The Memory of Beb2013 (sad)

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The memory of Beb2013 is a sad one, it happened on April 14th, 2011.

A mudslide had engulfed a bus in Colombia, killing at least fourteen people. Six people were missing after the bus was swept away by a mudslide and covered completely by mud in the heavy rains. Emergency workers tried to recover bodies from the wreck.

This is her memory, in her point of view.....

That day was a sad day for PHS. I got up and got ready and waited for the bus. Today was a day where I could sense something was wrong, the world seemed quite and everything on that day seemed fake.

I got to school and people were quite, I go to first period and the teacher has that white paper that was read a week ago.A week ago a kid died at school of a seizure.

Today there was that same paper with another name, "Class, I have some bad news. I student at our school, a Brian Tilley died last night."

The whole class looked at each other no one knew who he was.

"Do you mean Brandon?" A freshman asked.

"Ah, yes Brandon."

The world stopped and I put my head down and began to cry. I just found out my best friend and boyfriend was no longer with us. Most of the school was in the library, I tried to take a test second period after crying all of first. The first story was on death.

I was called to the library and all of my friends rushed to me "I'm sorry" "Are you okay?" "I, don't know what to say" "Why aren't you crying"

I felt as if the world had come to an end. The day before we were joking about how muscular he was becoming and how crazy he was. When I got home,I turned the news on and saw a headline

"A mudslide engulfed a bus in Colombia, killing at least fourteen people. Six people were also missing after the bus was swept away by a mudslide and covered completely by mud in the heavy rains. Emergency workers tried to recover bodies from the wreck."

So much tragedy in that one day I will never forget.

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