The memory of Audranime (bittersweet)

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Audranime's memory is about cancer, and how she hoped the person who she held close to her heart wouldn't die. It's a small paragraph, but it's meaningful.

Here is her memory, in her point of view.....

That first memory (in this book) almost had me in tears.

 I was thinking of a few memories I have and I finally decided on one.


 I can't remeber the exact date, so I'm sorry about that. I don't remember it too clearly because it was so long ago.

 I do remember my dad and his new wife were sitting in the living room, they had just told us that

my uncle Bobby, my god father who was only 47 had cancer, they said that he was he was really sick and probably wouldn't make it.

 I was very niave and decided that it didn't matter that they said he wouldn't make it.

I decided to make him a get well card.

My dad took it from me and told me, "You know he's not going to get better right?"

I thought in my head that he might, but I shook my head to show  I understood.

My Dad took him the card and not even a week later my uncle passed away.

At the funeral my Dad told me, that the day my uncle got my card was the happiest day of all the days he had been sick.

 I cried, but I was happy I had provide him some happiness among his pain.

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