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a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses.
"the illusion makes parallel lines seem to diverge by placing them on a zigzag-striped background"
synonyms:    mirage, hallucination, apparition, figment of the imagination, trick of the light, trompe l'oeil; More
a deceptive appearance or impression.
"the illusion of family togetherness"
synonyms:    appearance, impression, semblance; More
a false idea or belief.
"he had no illusions about the trouble she was in"
synonyms:    delusion, misapprehension, misconception, false impression; More

Illusions mess with the brain. Mess with people.

The storm inside my head was still bringing havoc to my poor brain. My heart was still wearing and my body couldn't seem to take anymore.

I had lost everything. My parents. Uncles. Cousins. My best friend. And then the one person I had left in the world broke my heart in the cruelest way possible; he ran away.

The fucking coward had ran away when we both needed each-other. Or at least, I thought we had.

I thought he had changed, he told me he was getting better. He hadn't done anything like that for over a year.

Some people think that people change people and sometimes it seems that way; but the only way someone is going to change is if they want to.

I shouldn't have been foolish enough to have believed I could change someone like that.

My heart wept for the lover gone away and my brain thought it would be hurt less if it just abandoned the memories of him. But that was nearly impossible. He was nearly impossible.

When he gave me the flowers, the random trips to the park after dark, stargazing, holding my hand and calling me sweetheart.

Like a hurricane's relentless downpour, my tears flowed to the ground.

I thoughts he truly had changed for me, but I was just stuck in my own illusion.

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