Day Five

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Song on the side: "Figured You Out" by nickelback.


Day Five

"What are you doing here?" Cameron asked surprised when he saw her standing at his door, soaked to the bone. 

"The thunderstorm..." she trailed off. 

"Aw, come here," he said hugging her. 

He ruffled her hair chuckling. He knew that his friend was really scared of this kind of weather. Especially now that her mother was at the hospital, her father was with her and little Sam was all alone at home. 

He gave her something to put on so that she didn't end up having an awful cold and led her to his bed. They lay down side by side. At first he kept some distance but when he saw how she was shaking he pulled her closer and wrapped his arm around her, protectively. 

"Close your eyes, angel, I'll be right here. No one will hurt you as long as I'm here," he assured her. 

She secretly smiled before interlacing her fingers in between his. 

"Thanks, Cameron."

Summer was counting its last breaths. I always hated this time of the year. The breeze turned into chilly, bone-reaching air. The sun was replaced by heavy clouds. The beautiful bronze tan started fading. All in all, life got worse.

However, it would be kind of unfair if I didn't admit that the way this fall had started was... unbelievable.

I mean, who would have told me a year ago that Cameron and I would be drinking blueberry milkshakes, sitting on the hood of an old rented car, absolutely lost in silence?

"Hey, Bradford?" he muttered at some point.

Meh, it was too good to be true. He had to break the silence.

"Mhm?" I muttered taking a sip of my milkshake.

"About what you said last night... I don't want to be the dickheaded loser you described."

"You're not a loser, Shaw. You're the freaking of the basketball team and every girl in this sch-"

"That's not what I'm talking about," he cut me off.

I frowned. "Then what?"

"I am not really who I want to be... And it's not about Rosie. The bullying crap, though... I never imagined I could be like that. I never wanted to scare people because they liked studying maths instead of going to clubs..." he trailed off.

I tapped his shoulder. "I'm not saying that you're not an asshole there but it's not entirely your fault."

"Which means?" he asked raising a confused eyebrow.

"Which means that when you're a member of the retarded student body of our school, you can't be exactly who you want be. Otherwise, loneliness will be your best goddamn friend," I stated, disgusted.

"Like Greg and that EJ Soyer chick..." he trailed off.

I nodded in total agreement.

Greg and EJ's relationship was the fairytale of our school. He was the infamous quarterback of the football team and she was an utter nerd who read more Harry Potter than you can practically imagine and spent Saturday nights studying Chemistry. Nobody found out how they ended up together but the way they looked into each other's eyes made you realize that they were meant to be. However, the cheerleaders and the rest of the football team decided that they were not supposed to be talking, let alone being together. Long story short, one of the guys threw a party and the cheer-sluts made sure nerdy EJ found Greg underneath Danielle Hamptons aka some flyer of the cheer squad. They broke up the next day, Greg dropped out of the stupid team and she locked herself into her room for like two weeks before starting anti-depressants.

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