Day One

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Song on the side: "Gotta be somebody" by Nickelback :))


Day One

"Happy Birthday, Sam!" Cameron exclaimed happily, placing her present in front of her crossed legs.

"Thanks!" she yelled throwing her thin arms around him.

"Open your present," he insisted.

She tore the colorful paper revealing a big crystal snowball. She grinned.

Cameron never understood why his friend loved those things so much but if a snowball was what she wanted, a snowball he would get her. 

She rocked it back and forth and watched the snow covering the little village.

"Hey, Cam?" she asked.


"Will you take me to that place one day?"

"Sure thing," he replied earning another bright ear-to-ear grin. 

That night Samantha didn't sleep at all. She kept rocking the snowball imagining Cameron and herself walking down the streets of this village. And of course, it would constantly snow cause someone else would shake the snowball... 

When I opened my eyes the next morning, Cameron was sitting on the hood of the car staring at the sea. 


The sea?

As long as I could remember our hometown was about a mile or more away from the sea. 

I opened the door and my bare feet touched the golden sand. Well, after fighting for more than two hours yesterday, he got the hell out of the car and I got dressed. 

I jumped on the hood next to him. 

"Take me freaking home, already," I growled. 

He rolled his eyes. "I thought we talked about it, Samantha."

"Go back to calling me Bradford."

"Why, do I make you uncomfortable when I call you Samantha?" he asked bringing his face inches away from mine.

"Get off, Shaw! You used to be my best friend, why would I feel uncomfortable?" I hissed pushing him away from me. 

"You're blushing, baby."

I got off the car sighing. 

"You know what, Cameron? I am not the only one who is unbearable now. I mean, hell, I thought you were acting like you hated me because you're a jock and I'm freak but you really are a jerk. Baby? Since when do you call someone baby?"

"I'm not twelve anymore," he hissed. 

"Why can't you just let my father send me to the fucking boarding school?" I asked not having a reply for what he said.

"Because! Now move, I'm hungry."

When he realized I was not willing to make a single step, he grabbed me, threw me once again over his shoulder and started walking. Like yesterday, I kept punching his back but he was too much of  a brick wall to feel it. 

He led me to a small cafe and threw me on a chair, taking a seat across the table. I scanned the place. It was simply adorable with all those seashells decorating it. The wall behind Cameron was decorated with pictures in frames made by starfish. Those people, in the pictures, I swear they were the happiest family alive. The man and the woman were holding their daughters like fragile dolls. 

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