Day Two

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Song on the side: "When we stand together" by Nickelback :)

Day Two

"Cameron! Cameron!"

Cameron sat up quickly and rubbed the sleep away from his eyes trying to understand what was going on. He could hear someone shouting his name but he saw nobody. 

At some point, he realized someone was knocking on the window.

He stood up and staggered to the window. Opening it, he faced his best friend. 

"Sam?!" he exclaimed dumbfounded. 

She got in and hugged him. 

"How did you climb up to here?! Is there something wrong?" he asked, hugging her back.

"Nightmare," she explained.

He took her hand and took her to his bed. After covering her with his blanket, he sat next to her and started stroking her hair.

"Close your eyes, my little daydreameress, I'll be right here to fight against whatever tries to hurt you, okay?" he said softly.

When you wake up in the morning and describe a nightmare, it doesn't feel scary anymore. The pain, the fear, the agony- Everything has gone away and the situation you were in feels like a distant memory.

Not always though.

I had woken up about an hour ago and ever since I had my arms wrapped around my knees and rocked back and forth like I was psychotic trying to calm myself down. Well, the freaking nightmare was a bit too vivid.

"Are you okay?" Cameron asked waking up.

I stared at him not finding the right words to explain.

"Sam?" he insisted.

His expression showed that he was genuinely worried but this didn't really help me relax. I just kept looking at him blankly, sniffing.

"Hey, tell me what's wrong," he said softly.

"You saw them..." I whispered.


"Your friends; your so called friends. You saw them hitting me, Cameron."

"No, I..." he tried.

"Why didn't you stop them?"

I seriously sounded like I was mentally challenged right now but it just came out.


"They kept hitting me and calling me a freak and you stood there watching them," I muttered, disgusted.

"I was..."

"A fucking coward? A sick bastard? A bloody jock who would do anything to protect his fucking rep?"

"Yes," he said, got out and left.

I stared at his back as the distance between us grew until I could no longer see him.

That was all?


Not even an 'I'm sorry'?

What happened to apologizing to people when you fuck up?

I mentally slapped myself and got out of the car. I stretched my body and let the air, which was significantly colder compared to yesterday, make me shudder.

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