Day Four

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Song on the side: 'Someday' by Nickelback :)

Day Four

When they arrived at the funfair, Samantha took his hand and led him to the house of mirrors. As they got in, they started laughing at their funny reflections in the different kinds of 'Reflective Glasses' like he used to call them. 

"Samantha, Cameron, it's time to go!" Mrs. Shaw shouted.

Samantha pressed her palm against his mouth and grabbed his hand. 

They sat in front of the only normal mirror in the room and she pointed straight at their reflections. 

"You know, Cam, there are people in this world who can't stand looking at their reflection in the mirror...." she trailed off. 

"That's because they lie to themselves until they can't even remember who they really are," he replied.

"What if, one day, I am that person? Or you?" she wondered looking at him with sad eyes. 

"You won't. I won't. We know each other well enough to remind the other who they really are," he said and offered her a reassuring smile. 

She grinned before grabbing his hand and leading both of them to his mom. 

Cameron didn't really got annoyed by his enthusiastic friend dragging him around. After all, he was the one who would drag her in front of a mirror and give her her real self back if she ever got lost... 

It has been more than five hours since I woke up and I was still sitting on the sand watching the sea. Apart from the headache which was killing me, I just couldn't get Cameron's words out of my mind. What kind of a person was I? How could I not notice that something was wrong with Lyn?

To be honest, this has happened to me before but Lyn was a whole different story. She was way too sensitive and I was surprised by the fact that she handled it all alone. I was proud of my baby friend. But as the pride grew bigger, the guilt inside me kept multiplying. 

I just couldn't wait for the next weeks to be over and talk to her. 

"Here," Cameron said, sitting next to me and offered me a plastic cup of coffee. 

"You know what, Cameron? I always hated people who breathed too heavily. They always made me feel anxious, like I had to run... It wasn't only about that, though. I felt like they breathed so heavily cause they were in pain because they were so mean and awful that their soul was trying to leave their body," I trailed off. 

"I-I know," he mumbled. 

"I hated how I can hear myself breathing right now."

"Sam it's-"

"No, just listen. I am just wondering... Lyn did not tell me cause I wouldn't know how to handle it or she was afraid of what I might have said exactly because I don't know how to deal with such stuff?"

"What do you mean?"

"Lyn is the kind of person who doesn't really enjoy skin contact but she occasionally needs a hug. The problem is, she won't tell you. She will either wait for you to figure it out or just hug you for a millisecond before pulling away. However, she will get hurt or angry if you know her and you don't hug her. See what I mean? She gets affected by the simplest things if you mean something to her. And I guess she didn't tell me because she knew I would say something uncaring when she needed me."

We both remained silent for some seconds before I spoke up again. 

"This is the first time I really hate who I am," I whispered.

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