Severus's lips curled into a smile. "I do." He kissed her on the forehead and then dropped the lock of his hair into the cup she was holding.

Alaina's cheeks reddened as she mixed the potion up. Dumbledore conjured six cups and she poured a little of the potion into each one. She gave them out. One went to her, then the others went to Sirius, Lupin, Dumbledore, Ron, and Hermione.

"Now," she said when everyone had their cups, "before we drink these, let me be perfectly clear. This is dangerous. Very dangerous. If you want to back out, now is the time." Her eyes fell on Ron and Hermione. "I am mostly talking to the two of you. This is going to be unlike anything the two of you have ever faced."

"I don't care," Hermione said. "Harry would do it for us."

Ron nodded in agreement. "She's right. He would."

Alaina sighed. "Okay." She looked over at a worried Molly and a stoic Arthur. "Are you two sure it's okay with you?"

Molly gulped. "Ron is right. Harry would do it for them."

Arthur nodded in agreement. "It's up to Ron."

"We'll bring him back safe," Severus said. "You have my word that we will do our best to bring both of them back unharmed."

She nodded, then buried her face into Arthur's chest.

"What is the plan?" Dumbledore asked curiously. "We must have one."

Alaina looked to Severus and he cleared his throat.

"That would be my department," he said. "Malfoy Manor is set up differently from any place I've ever been. It is two stories. Voldemort has his meetings in the dining room upstairs, but he will be holding Harry in the basement. I'm sure of that. That's where he held me until he was ready for me."

"Harry is our first priority," Sirius said.

"You're right, Black. For once, we agree on something."

Alaina nodded. "And I will be the one to face Voldemort. Not you, Severus."

Severus stared at her. "I don't know if that's a good idea."

"I can make him hurt," she reminded him. "You know my power. If he gets too suspicious or too close, I will make him sorry."

"That's not what worries me. He will try to kill you."

"I know. I will avoid it as best I can. I want you to get Harry out of the basement."

He agreed with that plan. "I can do that." He swallowed. "I also asked Draco to help Harry escape if he could. Harry may already be gone by the time we get there. If that's the case, I want Ron and Hermione out of there as soon as possible." He glanced over at them. "Understood?"

They both nodded.


Tonks, who had been silent for most of the meeting, finally spoke up. "I'm going too."

"We should have the rest of the Order there on stand by," Lupin said. "In case a battle takes place there."

"We know that there's going to be a battle. That is pretty much set in stone. Voldemort won't give Harry up without a fight."

Dumbledore thoughtfully stroked his beard. "Yes, it would make sense that all of you should come. There is strength in numbers, and this will not be easy. There was a break out in Azkaban today. A lot of Death Eaters escaped. One in particular that we have to worry about."

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