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Dissonance mixed with assonance

Alliteration collaboration

I don't know what I'm saying-ation

But, baby this poem is for you

and I'll rhyme until I'm blue--in the face

hitting you with this grace

giving you all this face

Knowing that you want a taste--of what I can't give you

Because you're bad for me and I'm bad for you

And you can't connect the dots that'll bring us together

Just like I can't draw the line that will create the figure

But I'll color inside of the lines

4 for yellow 2 for brown 5 for red 7 for blue--Baby oh baby I'm so unconsciously, subconciously, dangerously in love with you

Or with the idea of you

Whatever it is--I don't care, but this poem is for you

And I hope you feel it all the way down to your toes like an org--oops I can't say things like that because you know what that feels like and I don't, and I don't want to be a coquettish virgin ho that makes you want to scream because you can't touch me orthispearlthatimholdingforwhoeverwinsitfirst

***breathe in...breath out***

This poem

This disaster

This wonderful masterpiece that you'll probablly never get a chance to read... is for you

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