Feel You

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Allow me, for a moment,to be frank with you and tell you that my express purpose is not just to hang with you.

Because as much as I like laughing and talking with you--I want to feel you.

I kinda want to feel you in inappropriate ways.

I know you're not amazed at what I'm saying because you know sometimes I get to misbehaving and I have to check myself.

But, I have to be honest with you.

Sometimes, I just want to feel you.

But I can't

And you ask me why because you sometimes want to reach over and feel me, too--push aside that curtain of respectability I hide myself behind.

But we can't both want to feel each other at the same time because I can only be respectable for so long.

That's why I'm glad when you stop calling and texting me.

Because when you don't call-- and when I don't hear that deep voice that sends me to worlds I'm not quite ready to immerse myself in--I don't have to worry about wanting to feel you.

And don't ask me what I mean by "feel you".

Baby, imagine us somewhere where nothing keeps up from each other. That's a dangerous world where we are a tangle of limbs and sighs.

And I'm not quite ready to give myself up like that...but...I just want to feel you.

Can I just be real with you?

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