The Founder's Plan - Chapter 22

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**WARNING**This chapter has to deal with a very sensitive topic**So if you are offended easily please do not read that part***

Alice's P.O.V {A few days later}
I feel so empty, a few days have past since I've last seen the Mukami's. I wonder if they actually miss me? I guess it doesn't matter, after all I was just a mere nuisance. Taking a walk in the rose garden is quite nice, the moon looks red, that's strange."*Alice bends down to smell the roses* You're so beautiful. I'll pray for you all to grow big and strong."

I smiled softly at the rose while slowly standing back up."Alice, find me." It's that same voice from before! I have to find out where that voice is coming from! It looks like the voice was coming from that rose. I quickly reached out for the rose and got pricked. My vision quickly blurred as I slowly began to faint.

~Time skip~{Alice wakes up in a mysterious place}

"Where am I?" I heard the sound of the church bells ringing from a distance. I quickly stood up and took a quick look around my surroundings."Oh! There's a trail of flower petals leading to that castle! I guess that  I should follow it." This place why does it look so strange?

I still don't quite understand what's going on here, but I'll try my best to get to the bottom of this! After a few more steps forward I made it to the castle. I hesitated to knock at first, but I took a deep breath and knocked."Huh? That's strange, there was no answer" I should knock again, just in case they didn't hear me.

"*Alice gulps and knocks* Eh!*The door slowly creeks opens* Um Hello, my name is Alice-" I was just about to introduce myself, when my eyes quickly met with a pair of gold eyes."Alice, so we finally get to meet in person.*The man takes out his left hand* I am Karlheinz, The Vampire King." I quickly bowed at his presence.

"It is an honor to meet you Karlheinz-sama, I am Alice Sakurai a human from the human world." I nervously shook his hand. I heard him laugh as soon I looked back at him."There is no need to act so formal, Alice." I blushed and nodded.
"Well, I've brought you here today in order to discuss some personal issues."

I stared at his long white hair, in a way, his hair reminds of Subaru's hair."*Alice grabs a piece of his hair* Your hair is so soft and fluffy! It kind of reminds me of Subaru-kun's hair." I smiled at him."*Karlheinz smiles back and pats Alice's head*Eve, since you're quite curious. All of the Sakamakis in that household, are my sons."

I was surprised, I've never knew that they had a father."Oh I understand now! But why did you want to tell me?" He quickly snapped out of it."Um Ruki, would you mind telling Alice our little plan?" Did he just say Ruki? I smiled brightly and ran up to Ruki and hugged him tightly. But why wasn't he hugging me back?

"Ruki-kun, didn't you miss me?" Ruki pushed me off him. I was shocked. Why did he do that? Doesn't he love me? I looked at Karlheinz."Karlheinz-sama, why is Ruki-kun acting so strange ?" He smirked,"Whatever do you mean, Eve? Ruki has always been this way hasn't he?" Huh? What is he talking about?

No! This can't be happening!"Ruki-kun don't you remember me? I'm Alice, your girlfriend! Please say that you remember me!" Ruki glared at me lying on the floor."As if, you truly are stupid aren't you? Human girl." Something is not right here. Ruki would never act this way, after all I am his Eve!

Looked up at Karlheinz and saw that he looked completely different. "Why do you look so different Karlheinz? What's going on here? I don't understand!" I looked back at Ruki, that's not Ruki! Why does he have golden eyes with an eye patch?"Onii-san now?" I saw the other man nod. I have to run, I don't want them to capture me!

I have get away from this place! I ran as fast as I could."You can run away from me Human Girl!" Eek! I can hear him running behind me. I can't hide anywhere! God please help me! *Howls from a distance* Crap! Now there's wolves chasing after me! I don't have a choice, either way I'll be captured!

Too late! That man from before that looked like Karlheinz stood in my way."You're ridiculous, did you actually think that running would do you any good? You're such a fool. Surrender now, or die. You're surrounded. So what will it be Woman?" He's right, no matter how much I want to run, It won't make a difference..

I looked up at him,"I won't run anymore." His scarf was covering his mouth."Very well, a wise choice indeed." I frowned at him. I felt so angry to just give into him like that, but I know that if I'd chose to run, I wouldn't have been able to see Ruki again. He forcefully grabbed me by my neck and began choking me."P-please..Hah..stop-ugh..t-this!" I felt my breathing come to an end and fainted in his arms.

~A few hours later~{At the tsukinami household}~Carla's Room
Ugh. My head hurts, and my arms-! My arms were tied up to the bed in an unknown room."So your awake?" I blushed at my current situation. I quickly snapped back to my senses."Why are you doing this to me?" I saw him walking closer to me."If you listen to me, you'll  experience something much more pleasurable rather than pain."

No! He's not going to that! Right?"Please don't do this to me! I'll do anything thing you want!" He pulled down my shirt and bit into my chest."Honestly, this tastes disgusting. How do vampires find this tasteful?" Please anything but that! I don't want my first time to be this way! I'm sorry Ruki, I never wanted it to happen this way."Your begging is hopeless, either way this has to happen for the pure bloods."

That day, I lost something very important, not only my purity but my happiness.

A/N-What did you think? Put in the comments what you think will happen next! So yeah!❤️Bye❤️~SailorCats😺

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