Alice - Chapter 18

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Shuu's P.O.V
So, she's moved on. I don't know why I'm feeling this way, but just by knowing that, it makes me want to keep her. I was so happy to once again hear her voice and that lovely scent of hers, and to hold her in my arms. Ugh, what are you doing to me? I miss her soft skin and bright smile. I can't help but want you back. Please Alice, come back.

Alice's P.O.V
I ran into the infirmary, praying that no one else could see me. "Well, well, it's been quite a while since I've last seen you, Sakurai Alice. Now what would be the problem?" I smiled, he's right it's been a while, since I've last talked to Dr. Reinheart. " well, I kinda ripped my shirt by accident!" He nodded,"So is that all you came here for?" I blushed,"Um yeah, that's about it." He gave me a new shirt. "You can just pull the curtains and get changed." I quickly changed my shirt while carrying Shuu's cardigan. Dr. Reinheart walked up to me and gave me the silver knife that Yui gave me. "I believe that this is yours." I smiled while nodding,"Thanks so much! I thought, that I lost it!"  He smiled while going back to his seat. I walked out staring at the knife.

~In the Music Room~
It looks like no one is in here, and it's pretty dark in side. "Um Shuu-san, are you in here?" Oh well, I guess that I'll just leave his cardigan on the piano. As I was walking towards the piano, I heard the door lock from behind me. I quickly ran to the door while trying to unlock it. "Please, *Alice is hitting the door* someone get me out-" I was startled when I felt a pair of arms rap around me. "P-please let go of me! I'll promise to do anything you want!" I heard a chuckle,"So you'll do anything I want?" I nodded while struggling out of the person's grip. "Yes, anything that you want! Just please let go of me!" I was turned around and pulled on to a firm chest. "I want a kiss, from you Alice." I blushed while trying to push away. "Um I'm sorry, but I simply cannot do that!" I felt the familiar voice whisper in my ear. "If you don't listen to me, you'll just stay locked in with me." I stopped struggling and frowned.

"It's just that I can't kiss you, I love someone else, and I'm sure that he wouldn't be happy if I kissed a stranger."
I felt a pair of lips kiss my neck. "Well, If you cannot do as I say, then I'll have to drink some of your blood." I was pushing him away, but stopped. "Is that you, Shuu-san?" Without a warning he kissed me. "Mhm?! Shuu...san...mhm..please stop!" I pushed him back and began to cry. "Shuu, I trusted you! Why are doing this?" He just pulled me into his embrace once again. "Just shut up, you're being too noisy.*Shuu hugs Alice tightly* I want you to come back with me, Alice." I hugged him back while caressing his cheek. "I can't do that, not even if you ask me! Shuu, I'm sorry, now please let me go." He let go and frowned,"Is it because of me?" I shook my head while smiling,"No. Like I said before, I've found someone, else." Shuu nodded while I gave him his cardigan. "Take care, Shuu-san. Thanks for letting use your cardigan!" I walked out without another word.

Shuu's P.O.V
So she just left, I can't help but feel disappointed. I really wanted her to come back. She left her scent on my cardigan. I love how she smells, it makes me happy just knowing that she wore something of mine. I think I've grown feelings towards her, and maybe that's why I can't accept the fact that she's happy with someone else. Only if she came back, I would've shown her how much I love her.

Alice's P.O.V
I quickly ran to class, but was stopped by a not-so-happy Ruki. "Don't tell me that those guys were bothering you?" I blushed,"Um, well, yeah." His expression quickly change, to be honest, I was even scared to face him. "Look at me Alice! Who touched you without permission?" I looked back at him and blushed,"Um well, I don't remember." I didn't want to get any of them in trouble."Of course you won't say who it was. What did they do to you?" I stared at the ground,"Well, I got bitten in the chest and was kissed." Ruki then let out a sigh,"To be honest with you, I heard and saw everything." I looked back up at him and was pulled into a sudden kiss."I don't like it when other guys touch you,*Kiss* and you said that you got bitten right?" I nodded then Ruki bit my neck, his fangs feel nice. Just knowing that Ruki-kun is biting me, makes me feel happy and whole bunch of other emotions."Ruki-kun I love you and your fangs."

He quickly let go and kissed me."I love you so much Alice.*bites Alice's neck* You're mine and no one else's.*bites*" I let out a moan while wrapping my arms around his neck."I love you Ruki. I'm glad to be yours." He let go and pinned me to the wall."You don't know what those words do to me*Ruki french kisses Alice* Alice don't get close to other guys." I blushed while placing my face in his chest,"I will, because I love you Ruki-kun." Ruki pecked my head and hugged me tightly. Then I realized that knife that I got from Dr.Reinheart, could it be important? Ruki let go of me and stared at me strangely."Did something else happen?" I nodded,"Um well, I got this knife from Yui before she left and I want to know if it's important." Ruki stared at the knife."This knife can kill vampires with a stab in the chest." I was scared now, why would Yui give me something like this? I nodded while looking down."Oh I see, um well, I should really get going to class." I gave Ruki a kiss on the cheek before leaving to class."I'll see you after school, take care Ruki."

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