Alone - Chapter 9

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~Alice's P.O.V~

I woke up to the sound of thunder. It's strange, all I remember is falling in Subaru's arms and blacked out. That voice, I have to find out what it means. Wahh!? Why am I in Shuu's room? He's sleeping, but still that doesn't explain why I ended up in his room!*Loud Thunder* Ahh! *Alice hides underneath the blankets* Ever since I was little, I've been scared of thunder. I know that it may sound strange for someone as old as me to be scared of something so weird like thunder. But I can't help it! It's so scary! I remember when I was younger, Mother use to hug me to sleep on these scary nights. She always would sing me a lullaby and stroke my hair gently, until I fell asleep. I guess that you could say I miss the old days. But that would just me being greedy, Mother would like it more if I would just be happy and cheerful! Well..At least I think so.

I removed the blankets and saw that Shuu was shivering and murmuring something. As I was about to cover him, he pulled into a hug."*Shuu is murmuring* Please....Please don't go.... I'll be lonely if you go.." I stared at Shuu strangely, but quickly smiled and stroked his hair."It's okay. I'm here with you, Shuu. So don't be scared." It's actually kind of cute to see him act like this. He usually is rather cold and quiet. Either way I'm glad to be in his arms, it actually feels kinda nice. I'm not trembling anymore as well! Oh Shuu! You're still as weird as ever! Well I guess I that I should be going now. I quickly pecked Shuu's forehead and switched places with a pillow."Thank you Shuu. Thanks for everything." Was all said before walking out.

~5 minutes later~

It's raining and thundering pretty bad! I hope that no ones outside! As was walking I passed by a room with crying coming from it. Wait a second, could this be Yui's room? "*Alice knocks on the door* Yui-san? Is that you? May I come in please?" Yui quickly open the door. Her eyes looked a little red from crying. The poor girl, I don't really blame her though. A lot must've happened to her as well. Yui wiped off her tears,"I'm really sorry to let you see me like this Alice-san. I truly am! But would you mind staying with me for a little while?" I smiled and nodded.

"So what's the problem Yui-san? You look very scared." She just smiled. "Oh I'm sorry about that! It's just that I wanted to talk to someone other than those guys." I nodded,"Yui-san you look pretty pale, for your normal self. Are you sure that you're okay?" She nodded,"I don't really know what's happening to me exactly, I'm really just getting tired of living in this place. I really miss my father! *Yui begins to cry* I really wish that I could leave this awful place!" I kinda understand how she feels, but even if the others might not like it. I have to help her!"Then leave." Yui looked at me as if I was serious."But Alice-san, if I go then you'll get in trouble! And I couldn't possibly leave you here with the punishment-" I smiled hugged Yui,"It's alright. Okay Yui, leave while you still can. Don't worry about me okay? I'll be fine. Just go. I wish you the best of luck." She smiled while getting out of the hug."Okay I will! *Yui tears up* You truly are a amazing! I'll never forget you Alice." I nodded

~1 Hour Later~

After a few minutes, before Yui finished packing she gave a knife."Oh Alice! You'll need this *Yui gives Alice the knife* I personally have not used it, but I know that it'll come in handy." I hugged Yui one last time before she took off,"Take care Yui! I'll miss you!" She let go and walked out to the limousine,"I will bye Alice! I wish you the best!" I smiled while waving goodbye. I know that I've just met her, but I want her to be happy. And if Yui feels happy with leaving this place, then so will I.
I wish you happiness Yui.

~A week later~

The brothers don't seem to care a bit that Yui left. The only thing that's changed is that they've sucked my blood more than usual. I actually feel very lonely here without Yui, but I know that she's happy and it would be greedy of me to keep on feeling this way. Now I've been fainting like crazy. I think that it's because of that voice. Oh well, I guess that sooner or later it'll stop.Anyways some good things have happened other than that! Shuu's has been rather close to me lately. I think that it's actually kind of funny. Shuu has even put effort into teaching me how to play the violin! Yay I'm so excited!

~At School~

I find it strange that the guy from before hasn't been coming to class lately. It's come to a point that I'm actually worried. Of course I didn't know him that well, but still that doesn't mean that I can't worry. While walking I happened to make eye contact with the blonde from before. "Ohayo Usagi-chan! Hey Usagi-chan do you happen know where I can find M Neko-chan?" I looked down sadly,"Oh did you mean Yui-san?" He smiled and nodded,"She left.*Alice starts tearing up* Last week." He grabbed my chin and looked me with a worried expression,"Usagi-chan? Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?"

I shook my head while wiping off my tears."No I'm fine! Sorry! I just happened to have some dirt in my eyes." He smirked and stared at me for awhile."*Kou whispers in Alice's ear* You know Usagi-chan, it's not good to lie." I flinched and smiled. This is strange, exactly how did he know that I was lying? I just shrugged it off and nodded,"Sorry, it's just that I really miss Yui-san!*starts to tear up again* And I'm sorry that you have to see me like this! *sniffles* I'm really not this emotional-" He wiped up a tear from my cheek,"It's fine Usagi-chan. Hey do you think that you could meet me after school?" I nodded,"Sure! Oh I'm sorry but I didn't quite catch your name." He giggled,"Oh don't worry about that now! You'll find out later, okay *Kou whispers in Alice's ear* Eve?" What? Did he just say what I think he just said? Eve? I looked around but he was gone.

~Kou's P.O.V~

Ruki-kun's plan is working out just fine. Of course we knew that Yui would leave sooner or later. But really this girl? Either she's an obsessed fan girl that cries too much or has some emotional problems. Ugh! It's not like I have enough of these girls at work! Still she does have a reason for her tears. That disgusts me! I read her and feelings are pure and honest. That still doesn't stop the girl from being stupid. I mean, it's common sense not to go with a complete stranger! But I must say that I'm impressed to find such a heart in such a stupid girl.

A/N-Yay another chapter! Yasss creepy Kou-kun! Well to be honest with you he's my least favorite Mukami! I have nothing against him, but it's just that he scares me when he's angry!//Slapped//Anyways love you guys!❤️Bye❤️~SailorCats 😺

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