Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Spring break. Finally. He sighed as he stretched and climbed out of his car. He had wanted to come home the night before but he'd been too tired and had fallen asleep before he could tell Chester he couldn't make it. He walked inside and smiled slightly when he saw his boyfriend sitting up on the couch with his phone dangling out of his hand, sleeping soundly. He must've been up all night.

"Idiot," Mike sighed as he walked over to the older man and picked him up in his arms. He carried him upstairs and set him down on the bed before covering him up and giving him a light kiss. His boyfriend needed to think about himself sometimes.
He headed back down the stairs and started preparing a good lunch. He grilled chicken and then cut up some vegetables so they could have chicken salads for lunch. When everything was almost done, he closed the curtains, turned off the lights and lit some candles. He heard the soft padding of feet and Chester appeared in the doorway.

"Mike, you're home," Chester said.

"Yep. And for a whole week too," he said with a smile before he hugged Chester tightly, "I got your email. I'm so happy for you!"

Chester grinned, "Thanks Mikey."

Chester's business was officially started. He'd created a place called Club Tattoo and people were swarming to it. He was selling merchandise, piercings and tattoos and he was starting to rake in the cash. Mike gave him a quick kiss and then let go.

"Now you can quit your dumb job at Starbucks."

"Not just yet. I just want to finish out my last couple of weeks until my next paycheck."

"Well, just relax for this weekend," Mike said brushing his hand through Chester's mohawk, "Now let's eat yea?"

"Yea," Chester smiled and they sat down together, "This looks really good."

"Thanks. I wanted to make something bigger but I thought this sounded really good."

"It is," Chester said through a mouthful of food. Mike smiled.

"," he began, "I was thinking....and I'd love to do another role play with you."

"Really? Cops and robbers right? Oh please Mikey, we did what you wanted last time."

"Relax Chaz," Mike snickered, "That's fine. But I also want to share some good news."


Mike slid over a little letter he'd received. Chester looked at it and his eyes widened.

Dear Mike Shinoda,
I believe we may have gotten off on a bad foot, especially with your relationship with our singer. Now that it has all blown over, we would be honored if he came back to sing with us again. Again, we apologize, please tell Chester it was wrong of us to push him away and we'd love to have him back. Thank you.
-Ryan and Amir

Chester had tears in his eyes and Mike watched as they fell on the table. He slowly leaned over and wrapped his arms around the older man.

"You can go back, baby," Mike said quietly, "If you want."

Chester sniffled softly, "I don't know. I just started everything over. I have Club Tattoo and I have you, I can't leave you."

"I'd come with you," Mike said softly, "Chaz, you can't get rid of me."

"You'd really come with me?"

"Yes of course I would," Mike said as he kissed him, "Chester, I love you. I'd go anywhere with you."

Chester gave him a watery smile and then nodded, "Okay. I'll call them later."

"Why not now?" Mike asked.

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