Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Months went by and Mike went to college and started working towards his art degree. Chester was still working in Starbucks but he was designing a Tattoo Parlor in his spare time and would be soon investing money into it. He would own a business soon. Mike sighed as he glanced at the clock in his college dorm. It was nine at night on March 20th. He had been hoping to get some time off so he could head back home and see Chester on his birthday. He'd been working a part time job as well, at a music store near school. He had made enough money that he'd bought Chester a brand new pair of earrings for his birthday. He wanted to give them to him so badly.
Things had been going really well. Valentine's Day had been on a Saturday and they'd spent all day making love and all night cuddled up against each other. There wasn't a way he'd rather spend that day. He cursed angrily and decided that college could miss him for a night. He grabbed his car keys and his present for Chester and pulled his jacket on. He hurried down to the garages and climbed into his car before driving back towards their home. He had been planning a thing and if he calculated correctly and nothing terrible happened, he'd have enough to buy Chester a ring by the summer. He was going to ask Chester to marry him. He was only nineteen years old but wherever he was, he wanted Chester to be at too. He sighed softly as he pulled into the driveway. It was now eleven. He hurried up the steps and quietly walked inside. He headed up the steps to Chester's room and smiled when he saw Chester curled up under the blankets, fast asleep. He smiled and almost didn't want to wake him. His boyfriend looked so peaceful right now. He wondered if he missed him. He very slowly laid down next to Chester and then wrapped his arms around him. Chester immediately rolled over and curled up against his chest. He did miss him.

"Happy Birthday," Mike said softly as he kissed Chester's forehead. Sleepy brown eyes looked up at him when he pulled away.

"I didn't think you'd come," Chester said quietly.

"Then you don't know me," Mike said softly, "You're the most important thing in my life Chester Bennington."

"So what'd you get me?"

"Wow, you are cruel. I drive two hours to get back to you and all you ask is what I got for you?"

"Yes," Chester said simply, "That's exactly what I do."

"Here," Mike said as he handed Chester the little box, "I was hoping for something romantic but never mind."

"It's eleven thirty. I want my present and I want to sleep," Chester said as he opened the box and smiled, "Awww thank you Mikey. I wish I'd gotten you something this nice."

"What? Are you kidding me? Chaz, you bought me a fucking car," Mike managed. When Mike had turned nineteen just about a month ago, Chester had surprised him with a car. He couldn't believe how much that man spoiled him.

"I know. But anyone wants a car. It was so cliche. You just pick out the nicest things," Chester said as he ran his finger over the gauges in the box, "They even have our initials on them."

Mike smiled and kissed him gently, "Chester, I love the car. Don't worry about outdoing me. I'm a professional gift buyer."

Chester smiled slightly and then hugged him, "I love them. Thank you."

"Now go to sleep."

"But you just got here and then tomorrow you're gonna go back and I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll see you this weekend," Mike said, "Besides, I was considering giving that cop/criminal role play a go."

"I think you'd make one hell of a sexy officer Mikey," Chester purred and Mike laughed before ruffling the older man's mohawk.

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