Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

He'd forgotten about Chester having to leave over the past couple of days and instead was more frustrated that they were getting heavily deprived of one another. Mike was going to school during the day, Chester had work until seven and his parents were home by then. He could tell the older man was frustrated too because his mom had informed him that Chester had gotten too comfortable here if he was pleasuring himself in the shower. Mike hadn't let Chester forget that yet. They still talked at night and slept with each other but they hadn't been able to do anything remotely satisfying for the past week. He groaned softly as he shifted in his seat at school. This was boring and he couldn't get Chester's hot body out of his head. He could just picture his sweat covered chest heaving as they had sex that one night. He closed his eyes and then jumped up when the bell rang. He grinned when he saw his car in the parking lot with an obvious passenger. Chester was sitting in the passenger seat. How long has he been here?

"Don't you have work?" Mike asked.

"Nope. I took today off."


"Well I told your mom that you had said you wanted to take me around town today."


"Well, I saw a nice hill that no one seemed to be around on the way here," Chester said quietly. Mike laughed as he grabbed Chester's hand.

"Then that's where we'll go," Mike said. Chester directed him to the hill, wherever they were, and they parked before climbing out of the car. They headed down to other side where a patch of trees would hide them from view. As soon as they were in the grove, Chester was grabbing him and kissing him hard. Mike wrapped his arms around him and he leaped into Chester's arms and the singer lifted him up. Mike leaned down and cupped Chester's face so he could kiss him again.

"God I've missed this," he said softly. Chester moaned in agreement and they kissed again. Chester lowered him to the ground and Mike tugged the older man's shirt off.

Chester shivered, "I should've thought this through. It's freezing."

"Oh suck it up you little bitch," Mike laughed and Chester glared at him. Mike wrapped his arms around Chester's shoulders and leaned forward, just barely brushing his lips against Chester's. "I'll make you hot baby."

Chester moaned and soon they had tumbled down into the grass. Chester was on top of him again, moaning into his neck while Mike stroked him through his pants. He felt Chester's hips rock against his, grinding their cocks together and Mike gasped softly before tightening his grip on Chester's hair.

"I've missed you," Chester gasped as Mike kissed him again.

"I've missed touching you like this," Mike said softly as he pulled back. Chester moaned and whimpered before nuzzling back into his neck. He sighed quietly as they laid there, hands grasping at each other's crotches, trying to pleasure the other without taking all their clothes off. Mike felt Chester kissing along his neck.

"I love you," Chester whispered and Mike grinned before kissing him gently again. He ran his hand down to the waistband of Chester's boxers and then moved inside so he could squeeze his ass. Chester gasped quietly against his neck. He felt the older man's hand brushing through his hair.

"I was thinking," Chester whispered, "If you want, you could come with me. Once all my money is back, I'll be able to get gas and we can drive back to my house and....."

"I'd love to," Mike said immediately. Chester smiled at him and then pulled back.

"Really? You'd leave everyone that you know here behind for me?"

"I'm going to be anyway," Mike said quietly, "college next year and everyone is going different places."

"Oh right."

"That means we have to tell my parents before we go."

"I know."

"I think they'll be okay with it."

Chester grinned, "Sorry I ruined....everything..."


"Well it was getting hot."

Mike laughed and kissed Chester softly, "We'll find time I promise. I have just wanted to kiss you and touch you like that for so long."

Chester slowly got up, "We should probably go home."

"Yea. Hey Chaz?"


"I'm proud of you. You're getting over your drugs. You're so strong."

Chester glanced at him as they climbed into the car, "I'm not really. I just have something better than a drug. You."

Mike grinned as Chester smiled at him. The drive home was quick and they pulled into the driveway. Chester stretched as he got out of the car. Mike gave the older man a hug. Jason was still at school and his parents were probably at work. He kissed the singer gently. Chester deepened their kiss and stroked his hands through his hair. Their tongues met and for once Mike felt himself take control over Chester. He was shocked. The older man had always been dominant with his tongue. Now he was just receiving and his eyes were shut. He looked so cute. Mike stroked his hands through Chester's soft mohawk and pulled away gently. Chester followed him for a second but then stopped.

"I wasn't ready for that," Chester admitted. Mike laughed and kissed him again.

"What about that one?"

"Yea," Chester said softly. They stood there for a few minutes and Mike felt Chester lean on him and nuzzle his head into the crook of his neck. He was so cute.

"You know what I love about you Chazzy? You're adorable."

Chester giggled quietly, "Thanks. I just think you're hot."

"And I'm better in bed than you are."

"Anyone is better in bed than I am."

"No, that's not true," Mike said with a smile, "You're the best man I've ever had sex with."

Chester looked at him in surprise, "Really?"

"Yes sweetheart."

Chester smiled at that and kissed his neck lightly. Mike stroked his hair and kissed his ear.

"Come on. Let's go inside."

They headed into the house and Mike froze when he saw two police officers standing there. He jumped in shock.

"How can I help you?" Mike asked quietly.

"We're here looking for-"

"That's him!"

Mike spun around to see Jason standing on the steps and pointing to Chester. His eyes widened and he grabbed Chester, pushing him behind him.

"That's the one," Jason snarled.

"Please don't.....he hasn't done a thing wrong. Please," Mike whispered. But he was gently moved aside. The officers stood in front of Chester who was standing in shock.

"Mr. Bennington, we need you to come with us," the first officer said. Chester stared at him and Mike so badly wanted to go to him and hug him. He watched as they pushed Chester to the table and bent him over it so they could handcuff him. Chester hadn't said a word and Mike had a feeling he was scared.

"Please," Mike begged, "Let me talk to him."

The officers looked at him, "We can't let you. You'll get time to talk later on."

The second officer turned to Chester, "Chester Bennington, you are hereby arrested for Statutory Rape."

He went on and on as he led Chester to the cop car that was out in the street. Mike didn't care. They were taking Chester from him. Statutory Rape. He wanted to cry. He knew what that was but he didn't care. All he wanted was to be back with Chester. But who would've ever convicted him? No one......knew.

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