Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
(One year later)

He glanced at the clock. It was a few minutes before ten. He was home alone. Jason was at college. His parents were at work. He wasn't allowed to go to a college that involved him living there because his parents didn't trust him. It was fine. He was eighteen now and soon he wouldn't be living here anymore. He got into his car and started the drive into the city. After about a half hour, he pulled up into a parking lot and leaned back in his seat before climbing out and heading into the building.

"Name?" the man at the desk asked.

"Mike Shinoda. I'm here for...."

"Chester Bennington," the man said, "we know."

Mike had become a bit of a known guy around. His letter about Chester had gotten put in the next issue of the Rolling Stone. But he didn't care anymore. As long as he had Chester. And then there were soft footsteps. He looked up and smiled. There he was. His hair was shaggy, hanging down past his ears. He had a thin mustache and he was skinnier than Mike remembered. Those dark eyes were duller. Mike sighed and slowly reached out his hand. Chester's fingers wrapped around his own and Mike sighed as he pulled Chester to him. He hugged him tightly and tangled his fingers in the older man's hair. Chester's grip tightened on him and his nose nuzzled into his neck. Mike sighed in happiness as he realize that Chester still loved him.

"Come on, let's go. Do you have all your money now?"

"Yes," Chester rasped. His voice was rough and Mike had a feeling he hadn't talked for a while.

"So are you going home?"

"Not without you. We'll wait until after Christmas."

"Okay," Mike said softly, "Are you going to rent a hotel room?"

"Yea," Chester sighed, "Hotel room and new car. Then I gotta pay the fine. Then I gotta pay my house bills. It's a good thing I was a rockstar."


"I'm not anymore," Chester said quietly, "they kicked me out earlier this morning. Said I was just getting worse."

"Then we'll figure things out. I'll work a part time job down there while I go to college and then I'll get a full time job. You get a job and we'll pay this stuff together."

"You're too good for me Mike," Chester said as they pulled up into his driveway. Mike smiled at him and then led him inside. The first spot he took Chester was the bathroom and he handed the man his razor.

"Mustache and hair have to go," Mike said and Chester smiled at him before starting to shave his head. He left a strip down the middle and then spiked it up. He shaved the mustache off as well and then Mike was faced with the Chester he had loved a year ago.

"I'm so glad you're back," he said finally and he leaped on Chester, hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek softly. Chester held him in his arms and leaned back against the wall, before kissing him gently. Their lips met for the first time in a year and Mike realized just how much he'd missed the contact. He let one of his fingers curl into Chester's new haircut. Chester's eyes had slid closed as they kissed softly. They had to get used to each other again. They hadn't forgotten the old things but there may be new things that they had to learn. Mike slowly started to move his tongue into Chester's mouth who replied eagerly with his own. Mike sighed as he wrapped his hands around Chester and then snuggled into him.

"I missed you," he whispered. Chester looked at him.

"I love you," he whispered. Mike smiled and then grabbed his hand. They ran to the bedroom and leaped into the bed. Mike finally saw that smile light up Chester's face as he balanced himself above him.

"I told you once," Mike said softly, "That there was one thing that you could do that showed me that you loved me."

Chester smiled slightly and leaned down to kiss him. Mike wrapped his arms around Chester's back as the older man kissed down to his jaw and then to his neck. Mike sighed as he remembered how much he loved this position. Chester's lips pressed gently against his neck as he laid there. Mike stroked his hand down Chester's back and kissed Chester's ear.

"You remembered."

"Of course I did," Chester said as Mike moved his hand down and cupped the older man's ass. The little gasp that escaped him was the cutest little thing ever. Mike smiled.

"I knew there was a reason I loved you."

"I saw what you wrote about me."

"You saw that?"

"Yea. I got a copy in jail. Whenever I was feeling alone, I just opened it and read it. It reminded me you were still out there waiting for me. I'm not going to lie, I was worried I wasn't going to be picked up this morning."

"Why would I ever leave you?" Mike asked softly. Chester kissed his neck again and Mike ruffled his hair. Then he remember his question. He had forgotten he'd wanted to ask Chester about it. But first, he had to test it. He tightened his grip on Chester's mohawk and tugged it. The older man moaned softly.

"Chaz, can I ask you something?"

Chester nodded into his neck, "Of course."

"Are you a masochist?"

Chester blushed furiously, "Um."

"I was just wondering. I mean, the last time when we were goofing off and insulting each other, you just found it really arousing."

"I've never been in a relationship like that before. It's only with you."

Mike smiled slightly, "I make you aroused even when I'm calling you a.....slut."

"Mm, especially then," Chester said shifting slightly on top of him. Mike kissed Chester lightly and then hugged him again.

"My parents will be home soon. I'll try to see you over Christmas break okay?"

"Yea," Chester said with a small smile," I love you."

"Love you too. Sure you don't need a ride?"

"Nah. Hotel is only about a mile away. I'll see you over your break."

Mike waved to Chester as the older man headed down the street towards the hotel in town. He smiled slightly. The love of his life was back in his life and he couldn't wait to finally get his hands on that man again. He didn't feel like a powerless teenager anymore. Now he felt like he could do anything. He couldn't wait to see Chester during the Christmas break. He didn't have any classes from December 20th to January 15th. Almost a month off. Jason wasn't coming home until the 22nd. If he could just get his parents out of the house for a day, it'd be perfect. Mike smiled as he sat on his bed and looked at all the posters still covering his walls. He glanced at one of them and smiled as he ran his finger over the signature.

I love you

What a little suck up he was. Mike yawned as he heard his mom arrive home. He didn't care. He just couldn't wait to see his boyfriend again. His dreams were full of Chester that night and he loved every second of it.

In Love By SunriseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora