Chapter 7: Traveling Alone... sort of...

Start from the beginning

Rayne was looking around the market when she felt someone pat her shoulders. Looking back she found Sakura there with Naruto and Kakashi with her, “Ready to go.”

“One moment,” moving to the middle of the market she took a deep breath and shouted, “THANK YOU FOR LASTING THIS LONG AGAINST ME AND MY RANDOMNESS, HOPE TO SEE ALL OF YOU LATER!” The crowd stared at her, some with smiles, and others with relief. Walking back to the group she had her hands on her hip, and bag on her back, “Now I’m ready.”

Kakashi nodded and began to walk out of the market area and towards the large gates. Rayne stood beside him while the other two were behind. The ninjas guarding the gates gave them a wide berth as Rayne ran through the canyon until she reached the mouth of the village. Instantly she began to roll on the sand before she got up and ran through the desert. Naruto and the others were not too far behind, letting her waste her energy until she got tired. Naruto even joined her in her randomness. However she suddenly stopped and looked back at Kakashi,

“Do you have any sheets?” He blinked a bit and nodded, “Good, gimmie,” she demanded, her hands opened widely. Taking the cloth she threw it to Naruto, who took it, “Since you guys are my favorite so far, I will allow you to see how awesome I am!” Naruto huffed and gave her a look of disbelief. She dramatically pointed to him, “You dare doubt me, well watch this here!” Clapping her hands together she concentrated at the image she had in her head and felt the earth beneath them shake.

She felt someone wrap their arms around her waist and pull her away, but she did not stop until she felt that everything was alright. Opening her eyes she found a wooden sand sailor boat in the middle of the desert. It was a simple design she had in her mind from the show she had watched, but it was stylish. She looked up to see that Naruto had grabbed her and gapped at the boat,

“So ready to go through some of my randomness?” she asked as she pried herself off of Naruto, who had a remarkable grip around her. Attaching the cloth, that was probably for a tent or something, she waited patiently by the helm. Though the ninjas looked apprehensive about boarding the makeshift boat, they each got on and she waited when they took their seat on the floor. Nodding she tapped the wood with her right foot and form the seats around them, as if they were getting on a plane. “Ready for takeoff in five…four…three…two…ONE!” clapping her hand in front of the sail a massive gust of wind blew and she found herself floating high in the sky, right above the sand by at least a three or four stories above ground. She still didn’t have a good grip with her wind element.

Those who say ninjas are brave clearly haven’t placed them in a plane. Naruto was the first to scream followed by Sakura, who broke the arms of the chair in fear. Kakashi had gripped the arms as well, but he refused to scream, but his revealed eye sure did grow in size.  It took a couple of minutes to gather enough wind underneath them as well as push the sail forward before she created a barrier of leaves around them, to prevent sand from reaching them.

Tapping her left foot she released the shinobis and walked to the front, “Welcome ladies and gentleman to Rayne’s private plane, where we can have all your catering needs.” Touching the ground she formed a small coconut tree and took three before dismissing the plant. With the wind she cut the top in half and passes them to each of the ninja, who were still staring at her while she formed ice out of thin air and placed them inside the coconut, she even created wooden straws for them, and passed it to them.

Tapping her right foot to the floor she formed a chair and watches them watch her, “So any questions?”

Naruto, of course, was the first to point out that she created the trees and control the wind and water while Sakura continued to gape at her. Kakashi though stared at her before he placed a hand over his leaf head band. Seeing what he was about to do she focused more on Naruto and ignored Kakashi, “Yep I can control water and earth, which I can create any plant I want, if I know what it is and what it can do. Wind on the other hand is incredibly hard for me to control. So far my plane can only hover for three or four stories, not any higher. I’m only limited by my imagination.”

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